Strange sounds from the sky now scared the inhabitants Slovakia

Strange sounds from the sky now scared the inhabitants of SlovakiaA photo from open sources

Trumpet sounds from the sky are heard all over the Earth, and in the last they are being recorded more and more often. Now they scared the inhabitants Slovakia, which September 24 this year was unpleasant surprised by this heavenly phenomenon.

One of the witnesses of these “terrible voices” as harbingers something bad, even recorded a video on which you can watch the sky and listen to these mysterious noises coming from above. Reliably, no one still knows who or what publishes these trumpet sounds, although scientists put forward various theories.

For example, Jean-Pierre St. Maurice (Jean-Pierre St. Mauris) – Professor of Canadian University of Saskatchewan, a great connoisseur physical phenomena, proves that this is how noise going from the auroras. Of course, we can assume that recent solar flares somehow spread to Slovakia manifestations of polar disturbances over a vast territory, but in this another question arises – why are mysterious sounds just above Slovakia? And in all other cases, trumpet voices were very local.

Geophysicist David Deming, University of Oklahoma believes that such “buzz” can create telephone transmissions or aircraft, it’s no coincidence that so many people hear such a noise all over the planet, almost one in ten. However actually trumpet sounds are not as frequent as this scientist suggests, but otherwise, nobody would have written or argued about them long ago: we didn’t surprised by the lightning and thunder.

NASA employees have their own theory about this: it’s atmospheric interference, the so-called atmospheres, which in separate places suddenly break into the range heard by our ears. But if there were antennas instead of a hearing aid, say NASA employees, then such a “symphony of sounds” would be caught by us constantly. Highly a vague and non-explanatory statement. Why are these the atmosphere suddenly starts to blow, so much so that people scared? And why, again, so locally?

For example, the statement of the Russian Federation seems far more reasonable. scientist Andrei Tyunyaev – academician and author of the book “Metaphysics Earth Climate, in which he writes that trumpet sounds from the sky can explain by the fact that there is currently a polarity reversal on Earth, which will end completely next November. And then this an interesting heavenly phenomenon that sweeps across the planet, will stop …

NASA time

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