Swans can get tangled up in their necks and … die

Swans can get tangled up in their necks and ... perishPhotos from open sources of

It turns out that proud and beautiful swans can easily (!) Get tangled up in their own feathers and almost die. However, smart birds saw people on the shore and immediately swam to them for help.

Having got into trouble, wild swans have not lost their instinct for conservation, but they had to choose: either die, or seek help from people whom they, in general, trust, because they rarely cause them trouble.

Look at the two rescue operations Russians who accidentally saw this rarest phenomenon – how snow-white swans tangled up in their necks. Fortunately, it’s over well, the birds were lucky that on the shore of the reservoir these random passersby who not only freed them from the “strange captivity “, but also removed wonderful and, most importantly, about them unique video.

Do you know why birds lack teeth?


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