Synthesized meat will change the world for the better

Synthesized meat will change the world for the better.Photos from open sources of

The journal Environmental Sciences published an article researchers at the British Adam Smith Institute dedicated artificial meat, which caused a noticeable reaction from scientists of almost the whole world. And there are good reasons.

On the one hand, a person, according to academic science, simply cannot exist without the use of animal protein. AND no matter how the vegetarians of all stripes prove the opposite and directions, the fact remains – humanity is not yet ready (neither physically, much less moral) refuse meat. True, there is still progress in this regard, given the deep antiquity man did not disdain (and did not even see anything in it bad) cannibalism, and today it even prohibits the use of food of anthropoid apes (New Zealand). True, along with dolphins (Denmark, Japan), dogs are massively slaughtered for meat and many other animals that in their mental development even superior to primates.

A photo from open sources

On the other hand, modern animal husbandry gives up to 20 percent of greenhouse gases, leading to global warming and ecological disaster on a planetary scale. And this is not taking into account up to 90 percent of the world’s livestock production is used farmland (up to 99 percent in the UK, according to the above article), which also apply all kinds of chemical fertilizers, which also bring great harm ecology.

Synthesized meat, indicated in the article, is the way of salvation of humanity, moreover, as from the point of view of ethics (eat similar creatures are immoral), so in direct physical sense, because animal husbandry (more and more intense developing) clearly leads our planet to environmental disaster. What prevents to solve this problem?

Immediately make a reservation that the article provides such an encouraging and, one might say, just a fantastic fact that today a hamburger from laboratory meat does not exceed at a price of £ 8, whereas just five years ago the cost of such an amount synthesized animal protein reached 200 thousand pounds sterling. And imagine what will happen in 5 years?

A photo from open sources

It would seem that you can celebrate a victory, this is real technological revolution! But … not everything is as simple as it seems to scientists. In reality, a number of problems arise:

  • firstly, an authentic texture of factory meat has not yet been created, without which to promote artificial animal protein practically useless. However, scientists hope that in the coming years this the problem will be solved;
  • secondly, the cost of producing artificial meat remains still too high and require a lot of energy, the production of which Again, it is directly related to the environment;
  • finally (which may be the main obstacle to solving this question), pastoralists of the world will certainly oppose this, for example, the USA, Mongolia, and so on.

The main conclusion of an article published by the Adam Smith Institute lies in the fact that the benefits of factory meat are huge, and how economic and environmental as well as ethical. Therefore, early or late, it will certainly appear on the shelves of food shops and supermarkets. Another thing is how fast and it will be painless for our society. And here various opinions and forecasts are many …

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