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Do you know such a holiday – “International Tea Day”? Is he, True, it is not official, but it is widely observed in everything lovers of this public drink. And such notice a lot.
Interestingly, sometimes we know very little about popular things; So and many facts regarding tea are little known today. For those, who He wants to expand his “tea horizons” a little, and is intended this article.
Black tea as a trade secret
Europeans learned about Chinese tea bushes in the 17th century; them, By the way, they managed to take out then and actively tried to breed. But that, that black and green tea is made from the same plants, Europe recognized only in the 19th century. As you can see, this trade secrets lasted two centuries. For any secret – just an amazingly long time.
The legend of where tea came from
It is not surprising that such a drink received the legendary origin. According to one version, he was “invented” in 519 AD famous Buddhist preacher, founder of Chan Buddhism Bodhidharma. Once this worthy husband indulged in meditation and accidentally fell asleep, and woke up, tore out in anger and threw him to the ground own eyelashes. A day later, seedlings grew on this place. first tea bushes. After tasting a decoction of their leaves, Bodhidharma discovered that a wonderful drink drives away sleep.
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Hot and cold tea
We are all used to drinking hot tea, but the Americans, on the contrary, prefer a chilled drink. In the USA, it is something like homemade lemonade. Ice tea first appeared in the 19th century on south of the country where he was brought from India. Wet and hot however the weather in the southern states here six months of the year is not too contributed to the popularity of hot tea, and it began to be perceived just like a cold drink. All healthy people cooled brewed tea and drank cold, often with ice or slices lemon. Later, this drink spread throughout the country. However in overall, the popularity of iced tea is small …
How tea bags appeared
Initially, paper bags were used for convenient packaging and transportation of tea. They were a cheap alternative. metal cans, long traditionally used for preserving the product in not the most favorable conditions. But here once someone dropped packaged tea into hot water and realized that make the drink even more convenient and simpler because its taste remains the same, but the tea leaves do not float in it.
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About Tea Caffeine
Tea caffeine, or thein, is an alkaloid that has an effect to our nervous system. It is well known that tea at the same time calms and relieves drowsiness, improves overall performance, eliminates fatigue and headache, activates creative thinking. The action of tea is long and soft (unlike coffee and pure caffeine), and in moderate doses, this drink does not has a negative effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels. But it has beneficial effects on various systems of our organs, and this allows you to treat tea not only as everyday drink, but as a preventative, and sometimes therapeutic medical tool.
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Where does tea grow?
Not every climate provides proper ripening of tea leaves. Therefore, territories suitable for growing this plants covered with extensive plantations. Currently tea grown in about forty countries. Its largest manufacturers are India, China, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia, Turkey and Vietnam.
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By the way, let’s say that the government of West Bengal, led by Minister Mamata Banerjee has identified (since 2011) more than billion Indian rupees for the development of tea tourism. The pearl it may well be considered the estate of Glenburn, located in surprisingly beautiful area of Darjeeling (there is even such a world famous tea variety). The estate was built in 1859 one of the Scottish tea companies. Although in India there are many similar “tea oases”, as in other countries producing this divine drink. More important here is another: tea tourism really gaining momentum in the world, for example, for Russians in this Turkey seems to be a more attractive tea country …
Time India Plants