A photo from open sources
Stories of instant movement in time or space they are practically not considered official historical science, orthodox historians consider this unscientific, closing their eyes but the fact that such cases are recorded in historical documents is not questionable in its authenticity. And if about moving in historians still have some talk (for example, about sensational movement of the destroyer “Eldridge” in 1943), then about moving people in time and do not want to hear.
There are a lot of such facts recorded, in some cases there are suspicion of mental inferiority of the participants in the movements, therefore, we will only touch on those cases when a healthy psyche the victims are not in doubt.
For example, in the late 80s – early 90s. last century Hong Kong newspaper “Ven Ven Po” several times wrote about the unusual the fate of a boy named Jung Lee Cheng. In 1987, Hong Kong a boy was allegedly delivered to psychiatrists who claimed that he “came from another time “, judging by his stories – from the past. Boy investigated in various ways: on a lie detector, and interviewed under hypnosis. The result of the study was very confusing for many – “alien” spoke very well in ancient Chinese, knew perfectly biographies of long-dead celebrities, off-year good versed in the history of ancient China and Japan, with details talked about many events that are currently either they didn’t remember at all, or only a very limited number knew about them highly specialized historians at certain periods or events.
When the boy was found, he was dressed not like modern children – as the inhabitants of ancient China dressed. You would have thought that his appearance was either a well-planned provocation any powerful organization (such as a television company), seeking to receive a sensation, or … Or it was necessary admit that he is actually an alien, especially when you consider that the clothes on it were not made of modern fabrics, and in fine condition. It was believed that he was an alien from the past Of course, it’s difficult, especially since the boy himself is categorically not He understood how he got into the modern city of Hong Kong.
The story of the boy decided to check historian Ing Ying Shao and went deep in the study of ancient books stored in various temples. In one of the manuscripts attracted his attention to stories, almost completely identical with Jung Lee’s verbal retelling. All dates, names locations and names of specific people coincided.
In another manuscript, the historian came across a record of the place and date the birth of a boy with the same name – Jung Lee Cheng, who “… disappeared for ten years and reappeared crazy, claimed what was in 1987 according to the Christian calendar, saw huge birds, large magic mirrors, boxes that reach the clouds, multi-colored lights that light up and go out themselves, wide streets, decorated with marble that rode in a long snake that crawls with monstrous speed. Recognized crazy and died in three weeks … ”
Ying Ying Shao was almost sure that it was about “his boy, “but to make sure of the amazing discovery to the end, I had to talk to Jung Lee Cheng again. Do it however, the historian did not succeed – already in May 1988, having spent only a year in of our time, an alien boy suddenly disappeared for everyone and no one I didn’t see him again. Incredibly distressed and annoyed Ing Ying Shao sat down again for books – suddenly he would attack another track? Unfortunately, he couldn’t find anything else. Probably, the story of “that” Jung Lee Cheng, from a past gone insane, on this breaks off. Although it may be different: he did not die “for real,” but simply disappeared again for his contemporaries and ended up at some other time.
One Russian researcher drew attention to this case, who worked with the problems of time by reading about him in No. 11 of the magazine “The Centaur Crossroads” for 1997. I read it, sensibly thought that check this story without knowledge of the ancient Chinese language is very problematic, but thoughtful. He was hooked in this story by a date – May 1998 Researcher lifted old records in the laboratory. magazines and found that it was in May 1988, when actively experiments were carried out with instruments affecting the flow subjective physical time, a strange glitch was recorded in work that neither then nor now Soviet scientists could to explain. The reason for the failure is a sharp acceleration of the speed of time – they could not find at home, i.e. she did not hide in the operation of devices. Yet Then it was suggested that the reason is to look somewhere on the side. But where? In addition, if such reasons have place, then there should have been many such “failures,” for there are cases loss and time transfers in historical documents fixed is not so little.
They began to record such events since antiquity. For example, in the writings of Plato (5-4 centuries BC) there is such strange fragment: a certain warrior, dying on the battlefield at Plataeus, felt an unusual clearing of memory. What is called “I remember everything that was not with me”: his thoughts suddenly turned to half a century ago, when he was not yet in the world. But he seems to be remembered that he was killed in a battle with the Persians. In his memory in all details as if the former had been resurrected shortly before the battle clash with the enemy, ending in victory for the Greeks. To this warrior managed to kill the enemy leader, whose shield, decorated with the corresponding inscription, was hanged according to tradition them in a nearby temple.
It’s not clear from Plato’s text whether the warrior was killed in that battle or somehow failed fifty years into the past and that the battle that was discussed at the very beginning is actually for him – in future. When the words for the second time dying checked, – writes Plato – it turned out that in the place indicated by him on one of the columns the temple actually hangs a shield on the back of which was the inscription mentioned by the warrior. He wrote about this story in 1907 and V. Bitner in his book “The Field of the Mysterious”, published in St. Petersburg. What is this? Paradoxes of reincarnation or time travel?
Another mysterious case with a possible movement in time concerns the famous Caspar Hauser, a mysterious young man, discovered by the Nuremberg police in May 1828. It was strange dressed, saw perfectly in the dark, had vaccination marks, the scent is better dog, but did not know what milk, fire and the distance to object. Authorities conducted the most thorough investigation, sent portraits throughout Europe, started a case on 49 volumes, but did not establish places where this young man came from. This man died very soon at in very strange circumstances, it seems, was killed. You can about him to say only one thing: before entering Germany at the beginning of the 19th century, he lived in a world completely different from that era. In those years There was a version that he – the Crown Prince of Baden, forcibly suspended from the throne and put in prison as a child. However, a genetic examination conducted in our time has shown that he was neither the son of the Baden margraine, nor even a relative of this surname.
Another case with the appearance of a strange person happened wrong far from Baku, in the North Caucasus in 1942. A man walked along the road and, seeing a column of Soviet troops, he rushed to flee, but was caught. It looked, as we would say now, the result of the work of gene engineers – his body was covered with copious hair. His tried to interrogate, but the detainee was shocked by what was happening more than the Soviet soldiers who detained him. Hairy man shot on the spot as a German spy. Descendants about this case found out thanks to the recollections of a military doctor who examined body after execution.
An even more interesting case described by A. Kuzovkin and N. Nepomnyashchim in the journal “Phenomenal” for 1991, occurred in Japan in 1954, when after the unrest during the passport control detained one strange citizen. His the passport aroused great interest first at the police, then at journalists, because it was issued … by a non-existent state called Tuared. On this occasion, a press conference was held at which the indignant “Turedets” claimed that his country was not at all nonexistent, but located in Africa between Mauritania and French Sudan (not to be confused with more eastern Sudan). The man was shocked when he was shown a map, where in place most of “Tuared” was Algeria.
Interestingly, in the area that the unknown spoke of, Tuareg people live – the name is almost similar, differs in all one letter. A much bigger difference was that these most Tuareg never possessed state sovereignty. So where did that Tuaret come from? From the future, where is the name Tuareg slightly changed and they created their own state, or even from a parallel world, where with their statehood everything was okay from the start?
The 1998 World of the Unknown magazine describes the story of Englishman Peter Williams, who was struck by lightning in own garden. Waking up in a completely different place, he found that he had been burned and his trousers were burned. Getting to the nearest hospital, he received medical attention. Lying in hospital for two days, he asked one of the patients to lend him his pants and went for a walk. Walking Outside the Hospital, Peter suddenly found himself … in his own garden. Deciding that all these moving in space, which he did not realize, is the result shell shock after a lightning strike, he went to the hospital – to give pants and thank you for the medical help. What was it like surprise when the hospital did not recognize him, but the doctor that provided help him, looked very old. Patient lent pants, too, were not. The doctor to whom he showed the trousers answered that although they are new, they have long gone out of fashion, hardly anyone could to borrow. There was something to lose your mind! Peter went to the factory where, according to the label, these trousers were sewn. There he was told that the factory of such trousers has not been sewing for a long time, already twenty years ago. Then not calming Peter turned to scientists. British parapsychologist Thomas S. Buttersby, interested in this case and having spent relevant studies of Williams psyche, concluded that he didn’t lie.
It is worth mentioning another case, documented and who had several witnesses. It was described in the journal Anomaly (No. 4) for 1998. In the summer of 1912 in an express train bound from London to Glasgow, Scotland Yard Inspector (!) Rode in one of the compartments and a young nurse. Suddenly, straight from the air, in the seat at a window appeared a heartbroken, scared, frightened elderly man. His the hair was braided in a short braid, on his feet – boots with large buckles, on the head – an old cocked hat. In one hand he holding a long whip, and in the other a bitten bread. Said he seems to be in English, but used old words, a long time ago obsolete. Inspector and nurse began to reassure person, asking him who he is and where from, although they themselves had to reassure – not in front of each of the air people suddenly appear. The man, sobbing, shouted that he was from a local village, went to the cart does not understand where he is and, most importantly, how he got here. In that moment he looked out the window and saw a locomotive because the train in this moment was turning. This sight frightened the “alien” yet stronger and he tried to open the window to jump out. Fearing for his life, the inspector ran after the conductor, but while running, a man disappeared. In the compartment were only his cocked hat, a scourge and a nurse in deep fainting. The window was still closed. Opening it the inspector with the conductor looked out, but at a good There was no one to be viewed by the embankment.
The inspector was so excited about this event that he began investigation. To begin with, he took the scourge and hat to historians. They gave out the conclusion that these things are absolutely unequivocally related to the second half of the 18th century Archive staff confirmed that at the beginning XIX century near the place where materialized from the air a stranger, there really was a village mentioned by the driver. Further, everything was even more surprising: in the church books the master pastor found records of the deceased 150 years ago. Next to the entry about the death of a man was marked in the margins that the deceased in his time has gone through an implausible story. One night, returning home, he saw right in front of his horse a “devilish carriage, huge and long, like a snake, full of fire and smoke. “Then he inexplicably ended up inside the “devil’s crew”. There there were people in strange robes – nothing less than the servants of the devil. Praying earnestly for salvation, the unfortunate suddenly found himself in roadside ditch, and the horses and carts and the track caught a cold. Getting to home, the man found out that shortly before his return, a neighbor brought his horse, which he found a few miles from the village. By According to the villagers, the man went crazy and constantly told about the “diabolical carriage”, indignant that no one believes him. The evidence for this incredible incident is a cocked hat, which is still kept at the British Royal Museum Metapsychic society. The beach, however, was lost.
As you can see, there are many similar stories. Only in archives of the mentioned British Royal Metapsych a society founded one hundred and fifty years ago, there is a description of almost two hundred documented cases of penetration past and future to the present. True, visits from the past more because the penetration of the future into the present fix more difficult. The following regularity is also deduced: almost everything “aliens” from the past hard transferred incomprehensible to them “journey” and ended their life in a mental hospital or in prison. “Aliens” from the future did not relate to time movements in the example is calmer, apparently because knowledge of the properties of time is not were for them seven seals. Knowing what awaits them, they and adapted, and disguised themselves more skillfully. Cannot be excluded and the likelihood that the movements were not a surprise to them, but just a kind of “tourism”. Perhaps some of them came back. So we can only guess how many of them there were.
As for instantaneous movements in space, for such cases there is even a special term – teleportation. He was introduced to everyday life of Charles Fort, to characterize the movement people and objects without the use of visible physical force. Facts describing teleportation, no less has accumulated in history than cases of transition in time. We touch again only those cases that are documented and have witnesses.
One of the most interesting occurred in the XVI century. in the territory modern mexico. It is described in Spanish sources, and not just memoirs, but in legal ones. These entries were found. astronomer and writer Maurice C. Jessup, one of the first started to study UFOs. The records referred to the Inquisition trial over Spanish mercenary, unexpectedly appeared on October 25, 1593 in Mexico City, although his regiment was stationed in fourteen thousands of kilometers from this city – in the Philippines. He denied aiding the devil and argued that moments before his appearance in Mexico City stood at the governor’s palace in Manila, who had just been treacherously murdered. Like a soldier appeared in Mexico City, he had no idea. Soldier naturally burned – and with what, besides the machinations of the devil can be explained so wonderful move? When a ship arrived a few months later from the Philippines, information about the murder of the governor was confirmed. Other details of the soldier’s story also coincided. Inquisition after of this case, she was only more convinced that the unfortunate sold his soul to the devil.
In 1962, in his book Silent Road, the now deceased major Wellsley Tudor Pole, considered a specialist in black magic, described a teleportation incident that occurred directly with him in 1952 He got off the train at the station about one and a half miles from his house in sussex. Major was nervous: a train from London arrived from being late, the bus to Sussex has already left, it was pouring rain, and there was no taxi. At six o’clock in the evening the major was to be called from abroad, it was a very important call, and on the watch already without one minute six. “The situation seemed hopeless,” wrote Tudor. – And it was very bad that the phone at the station did not work because of damage on the line. In desperation, I sat on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on his watch and station. Given that at the station the clock always goes a couple of minutes ahead, I I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, that is, there was another three minutes until 18.00. What happened then, I can’t explain. When I came to, I stood in the hall of my house, which was a good twenty minutes away. At that time the clock began to beat six. A minute the telephone rang. After after I finished my conversation, I realized that something happened very strange, and then, to my great surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and the clothes were also completely dry. ”
We can assume that the major is in some mysterious way transported to his home, because he absolutely needed to answer a call. However, he did not make any efforts to this. The question arises: if in the case of Pole teleportation appeared the consequence of his ardent desire to be home on time, then, maybe and, in other cases, it can be due to the effort will? And such stories are known, especially in cases with spirituals, mediums, etc., for example, with the medium of Mrs. Guppy, who called in its time a lot of ridicule. June 3, 1871 she, by the way, weighed about a centner, was instantly transferred from her London a house located in Highbury, in a house on Conduit Street, located three miles away. Taunts were caused by the fact that she “landed” in a frank negligee right on the table at the moment spiritualistic session. As she explained later, she really wanted to attend this session.
Another teleportation episode is literally a feat, perfect Christian mystic. It happened in the XVII century. Spain in the monastery of Jesus in Agred, with the Monk Mary, who never left her haven, however, between 1620 and 1631 According to official figures, she made more than five hundred trips to America, where Huma Indians converted to Christianity New Mexico. The fact of these amazing travels has been recognized far not right away. Catholic authorities, more than once faced with people, prone to religious hysteria and claiming that they committed something incredible, tried in every possible way to force sister Mary refuse allegations that she really did her transatlantic flights. However, they were forced to admit that “flights” really took place – after in 1622 the father Alonso de Benavides of the Isolito Mission in New Mexico in a letter to the Pope He asked Urban VIII and King Philip IV of Spain to explain who he managed to convert the Hume Indians to the Christian faith? “The Indians claimed,” wrote the missionary, “that acquaintance with they owe Christianity to a woman in a blue – European nun, leaving them crosses, rosary and chalice, which they used, when the Mass was served. “It was later established that this chalice belonged to a monastery in Agred. About the venerable Mary and her Father Benavides recognized the missionary feat only in 1630, when returned to Spain.
Having received permission to visit the monastery, he asked his sister Maria with all zeal and received detailed reports from her visits to the Indians and a detailed description of their clothes and customs. Sister maria even kept a diary about her travels, where she described everything, including his vision of the Earth in the form of a ball rotating around its axis, which in those days it was considered heresy. She then burned the diary on the advice of his confessor.
In The Life of St. Mary of Agred, James A. Carrico wrote: “The fact that Sister Mary did visit America many times, confirm documents of Spanish conquistadors, French researchers and absolutely identical stories of various Native American tribes living apart for miles. At any fundamental book on the history of the southwestern United States can be found mention of this mystical phenomenon, unprecedented in history of the world. ”
Sudden teleportation is often associated with UFO activity, which has appeared in recent decades lots of evidence. Many of them are given in John Keel’s book. “Our visited planet” (1971). So, for example, the case is described with Heraldo Vidal, who in May 1968 was traveling with his wife in Argentina by car in the area of Baia Blanca. Completely unexpected and not having concepts of how it happened they found themselves in mexico on thousands of miles away. The only sign that with them something incomprehensible happened, the scorched body of their car was. Another case was described by Clark and Coleman in Unidentified. is he occurred with Jose Antonio da Silva, who was on May 9, 1969 to Bebedouro, and four days later he suddenly appeared at a distance eight hundred kilometers near the city of Vitoria in Brazil in shocked, in torn clothes. Yes Silva said that he was captured by creatures 120 cm tall, transferred to another planet, and then, four days later, returned to Earth. Story sounded fantastic, but just like many others like that incident, this case was thoroughly investigated, and there was no no doubt that Da Silva believes in what he says.
A characteristic feature of all teleportation cases associated with UFOs, is the return of the victim back, but in a state of shock, trance and partial amnesia, which completely coincides with ancient stories about kidnappings by fairies. In ancient times, no one doubted the existence of occult powers. If you analyze all these as if fabulous stories about witches, sorcerers and omnipotent magicians, in the blink of an eye moving in time and space, about fairies, abducting people, we can conclude that they actually could take place, as they do now.
And although these phenomena are not recognized by official science, they nevertheless less and more, things happen, but instead of flying reverend virgins and airborne multi-ton stone columns we hear about flying cars or about a couple that doesn’t understand anything, which It turns out in Mexico at a time when it was supposed to be in Argentina. Something incomprehensible to ours is happening on our planet. mind phenomena, and it would be great stupidity to dismiss them and pretend that nothing is happening, as modern scientists. What forces control these phenomena – good or evil – we don’t know. But in one of the notes of St. Mary there is a detail, which can provide an answer to this question. Just like in folklore, where travelers to the fairies are warned not to received gifts from them, did not eat their food and did not want their women, Mary received an order from the Lord, so that without his will ” in her thoughts, neither in word nor deed did she show her desire and not until which I didn’t touch. ”
O. Bulanova
Time Life Snakes China Mexico Teleport Japan