Teleportation and weapons of the Future

Scientists on the verge of discoveries that will radically change means and methods of warfare. results scientific research, sometimes very distantly related to armies capable of having a significant impact on the next 20 years the appearance of weapons systems, the nature and content of hostilities. Photos from open sources

The mechanism of the influence of science on the development of weapons, military and special equipment (VVST) has two main components – ontological and epistemological, which implies resolution fundamental and applied problems.

The former are significant for the development of science as a whole or for several industries. In the vast majority of cases, fundamental decisions influence the development of basic military technologies through new methods to eliminate existing or re-emerging applied problems.

The second are significant for individual applied areas of science. how as a rule, their resolution has a direct impact on development of basic military technologies.

The entire list of existing problems of science is quite large and the framework of one article cannot be considered. Therefore stop only those that are capable of providing significant perspectives impact on the development of IHE.

Unified Field Theory

One of the problems is the development of a unified field theory. She rather only gets permission in the long run, and accordingly, its influence on the development of IHE is only felt in distant future. For military affairs this will be twofold value.

On the one hand, with sufficient predictive capabilities such a theory besides the disclosure and mathematical description of all four known interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak) in its framework should appear methodology for identifying other types of interaction of matter and experimental verification of their existence. It will give new Possibilities for the creation of qualitatively different weapons and military hardware systems based on the use of these fields and the effects of their mutual influence.

On the other hand, such a theory is likely to explain enough a large class of phenomena that come together today called “pair of normal”. The vast majority of them are nothing confirmed fabrication of pseudoscientific crook. However already sufficient statistics of strictly scientifically recorded phenomena of such kind (in particular extrasensory perception and clairvoyance), which is not allows you to just brush them off and requires your explanations.

Disclosure of the mechanisms of occurrence of such phenomena and their a formalized description will reveal qualitatively new opportunities armed struggle, primarily in the information sphere, as well as in consciousness control technologies. Most scholars do not deny the existence of such phenomena agree on the basis that new types of fields that are still unknown to science must lie. To allow their discovery is quite possible, given that humanity entered the 20th century with two types of fields – gravitational and electromagnetic, but it turned out with four, adding strong and weak interaction. In addition, it should be remembered that we are too far We don’t know much about our world, just to dismiss phenomena, who do not fit into today’s view of him, we will not forget the fate of genetics, cybernetics and geopolitics.

At the moment, there is no unified field theory yet. Work on her creation is carried out in two main directions, worldview the basis of which was created at the beginning of the 20th century.

The first one is based on quantum representations, describing all kinds of fields, according to which their mechanism occurrence is the exchange of special virtual particles (for example, for the electromagnetic field, these are photons). Within The standard model based on the quantum approach succeeded get a satisfactory description of the famous four field interactions. Higgs boson discovery confirms correctness given theory.

However, perfectly describing these processes, the quantum approach does not lets move on – theoretically predict new probable types of interactions. Unable to find under this theories and a satisfactory explanation of a number of effects of the microworld, in particular teleportation of the state of microparticles (although formal mathematical description of this phenomenon in the framework of the Standard Model exist). That is, she does not have sufficient prognostic potential.

The second approach is based on geometric representations, arising from the concept of the formation of the gravitational field as manifestation of the curvature of space in the general theory relativity of Einstein. Here are attempts to form a unified theory fields by introducing additional dimensions of space (Weil-Kaluza concept), the curvature of which leads to the emergence of electromagnetic and other fundamental fields, until you succeed.

Superstring theory currently being developed (relating to a geometric approach rather than a quantum one) potentially should give a deeper description of the phenomena of the microworld and actually capable of becoming a unified field theory. However results that could be verified experimentally, the developers of this theory have not yet received.

Therefore, modern physics is looking for signs of other effects, able to give impetus to the development of theoretical ideas about microcosm, increasing the power of experimental facilities (in particular creating the Large Hadron Collider).

Despite the exceptional complexity of the task of building a single field theory, you can expect that in the next two to three decades, it will be formulated. The key to success are achievements of modern mathematics and cybernetics.

Such a theory will revolutionize military affairs, similar to the one that happened as a result of the creation of quantum theory, resulting in the development of atomic and thermonuclear weapons, the birth of nuclear energy, as well as the full range of achievements science and technology that form the basis of today’s progress – from microelectronics before microbiology.

Based on the use of other, now unknown types of energy types of weapons may appear in comparison with which nuclear weapons seem like a child’s clapperboard.

Geophysics and Climate Formation

The most interesting applied methodological problem, significant for the further development of IWH is the development methods to predict the development of geophysical and climate-forming processes under the influence of various destabilizing factors with accuracy, reliability and reliability that would enable formation of the required nature of geophysical or climatic processes in given areas of the planet. Today in that direction quite intensive research is underway, primarily in the United States.

The relevance of this problem to military affairs is due to the emergence of funds to provide a sufficiently powerful impact on the geophysics and climate of the planet in almost global scale.

This is primarily the famous HAARP – complex capable of have a significant impact on the Earth’s ionosphere. He forms in her “ion clouds” in which due to the concentration of microwave energy from several powerful emitters produces plasma. Warhead rockets or aircraft, hitting such an area or adjacent to it zones will be disabled. That is, HAARP was originally created as missile defense system.

However, during its trial operation it turned out that he capable of exerting a certain influence on the geophysics of the Earth and weather formation over large areas. HAARP Features affect the weather due to the fact that conditions ionospheres and tropospheres are highly dependent on each other. As a result ionospheric oscillations caused by complex effects are inevitable lead to changes in weather conditions.

The physics of the effects of HAARP on geophysical processes is based on that the earth in terms of electromagnetism is gigantic a spherical capacitor with an external conductive shell represented by the ionosphere, and the inner conducting core – the earth crust and magma, between which the dielectric is located – low electrical conductivity lower layers atmosphere. Sufficiently intense oscillations of the ionosphere can lead to a response in the deep layers of the Earth in the form of vibrations processes in magma.

The result is discharges of energy in geological zones tension at the joints of geological plates, which manifests itself in the form earthquakes. Lack of any effective forecast such effects makes the use of HAARP practically unpredictable, which under certain conditions can lead to disaster for the owners of this technique.

However, the development of technology with respect to accurate forecast such consequences will turn HAARP into a powerful geophysical and climate weapons. There are two main activities here. directions.

Firstly, the creation of special computers based on supercomputers complexes that allow simulating weather formation over significant territories and geophysical processes, the consequence which will be earthquakes in certain areas.

Secondly, the collection and systematization of statistical information on these phenomena in volumes sufficient to predict them.

Life modification

The first of the applied ontological problems should be designated creation of living creatures with desired properties based on methods genetic engineering. Military-relevant developments in this areas are being directed towards creating pathogenic bacteria and viruses with highly differentiated ability on the basis of race. The challenge is for pathogens to be dangerous only for a specific group of people defined by racial affiliation.

Such work is currently underway in the United States. Still not managed to achieve the required level of “racial selectivity”. However, certain successes already exist – previously unknown pathogens, which for some races are more dangerous, but for others – less. An example is SARS and bird flu.

Beam guns

Creation of small-sized generators of heavy-duty radiation Microwave, optical and x-ray is the main a condition for the development of a whole family of highly efficient radiation weapons. Work in this area has become a priority within US missile defense programs.

The targets of weapons using microwave radiation will be electronic systems of military facilities for various purposes, including aircrafts.

A photo from open sources

Powerful coherent optical and x-ray generators radiation allowed to create a laser weapon. His first samples are already adopted by the U.S. Navy.

In the future, they will become the main weapons of space combat systems of the future that will be able to hit not only space, but also ground objects. But this requires a solution problems of passage of high-energy electromagnetic beams energy of the optical and x-ray ranges through the atmosphere.

Heavy duty computers

Implementation of Opportunity Will Be Significant for Military Affairs use of the teleportation effect of the state of quantum particles in perspective electronic systems, first of all creation on this computer basis.

The essence of this effect is that if two or more microparticles with pronounced quantum properties were in one system, and then it left and dispersed in space, then a change in the state of any one of them instantly leads to certain changes in the state of other particles from this group.

It is believed that the use of quantum teleportation will allow to create relatively small-sized computers with giant performance significantly superior even to modern supercomputers.

This is due to the fact that one of the main factors limiting the speed of computing, today is speed electromagnetic field propagation. Applying effect teleportation of the state of quantum particles this restriction will take off.

The creation of such systems will revolutionize military cybernetics. – the time for processing information in the automated control system will be reduced by orders of magnitude, the pace of warfare, the quality will increase significantly decision-making, enhanced robotic capabilities of armed forces through the use of more complex models that take into account more number of factors, and most importantly – quality will happen a leap in the level of intelligence, accuracy, reliability, the reliability and efficiency of weapon control systems and by technical means.


Decision will play an important role in the development of weapons systems problems of creating technical nanoscale devices with the required functionality and ability to self-reproduction.

In this area, the main difficulties stem from the fact that formation and behavior of nanoobjects determining influence have quantum effects, making these processes probabilistic. By in essence it’s about creating extremely complex, focused on performing certain functions in specific conditions of macromolecules.

Many of these molecules combined into conglomerates can act as a medium for storing and processing information. Being among other molecular and atomic systems, they are able to act as modifiers and destroyers of these structures.

Thus, it becomes possible to create qualitatively new weapons systems based on suspensions of nanorobots capable of short-term destruction of military installations, military hardware and military equipment and manpower the enemy.

The appearance of suspension-like processing systems and storage of information that will be extremely high resistance to various damaging effects.

Thus, the resolution of the listed, as well as a number of other problems of fundamental and applied science will lead in the coming 20 years to the development of qualitatively new types of weapons capable of have a significant impact on the nature of the armed struggle.

Konstantin Sivkov First Vice President of the Academy geopolitical issues, doctor of military sciences

Hadron Collider USA Earthquake Time Teleportation HAARP

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