Ten genetically modified creatures, with which you may encounter today

Genetics is one of the sciences whose rapid development expects humanity in the coming years. Now even the scientists themselves are not imagine all the possibilities that a person can open DNA manipulations, but some results of many years of experiments with everyone can already feel the genome today – they’re gaining in the world the popularity of food, plants and pets with altered DNA. If you want to have such a charming “mutant” or try a dish with unusual properties, here are a few options, which modern genetic science can offer you. 1. Designer children The first “batch” of genetically modified babies were born in 2001. 30 newborns had DNA made from the genes of three parents – these babies were conceived using the cytoplasm transplant method, now banned US Food and Drug Administration. Ten Genetically Modified Creatures You May Face TodayPhotos from open sources Initially, this method was developed for fertilization of eggs with a low level of fertility ( there is a low ability to conceive), but when one of the children with further development, researchers identified developmental abnormalities brain that could cause autism, about experiments this kind of forgotten. By the way, babies with two DNA may appear on light and without the participation of scientists in cases, for example, microchemistry, when a certain amount is genetically present in the body foreign cells, which sometimes lead to deviations in the embryonic development. 2. Bald chickens resistant to bird flu If If you like chicken wings, this news will certainly please you: Israeli breeders bred a breed of chickens that have no feathers, which allows you to minimize maintenance costs and save plucking time. Moreover, allegedly, the absence of feathers It didn’t affect taste, but bird flu new hens are immune from birth. Photos from open sources Scientists brought “bald” chickens, experimenting with rock breed. They are sure that such “feathered” to grow more profitable than conventional laying hens. True, tireless researchers should not forget that nature endowed chickens with feathers not only for the sake of beauty, but to protect against insect parasites, adverse weather conditions, and, to protect the skin from claws during mating. 3. Hypoallergenic cats and dogs If you really want to get dog, or cat, but you are allergic, do not worry: company “Lifestyle Pets” offers customers hypoallergenic pets – cats and dogs with altered DNA Unlike their natural counterparts, modified pets do not have natural allergens (which, by the way, cats have four, and in dogs – six), so they have no effect on well-being the hosts. Photos from open sources “Superior” pets have one significant drawback: few will be able to purchase prices starting at $ 6950 allow yourself such a pleasure. By the way, “Lifestyles Pets” is not pioneers in the market of genetically modified pets: previously scientists invented another way to rid pets of their allergic properties. Using the so-called method “genetic silence” researchers were able to destroy the protein, responsible for the production of allergens in cats, and if you are not want to expose your favorite pet to this painful procedure, not forget to take antiallergenic drugs when playing with him. 4. Tilapia Photos from open sources One of the most popular fish in the world, locally grown, genetics have improved to make tilapia more unpretentious, and make individuals faster exercise weight – in modern fisheries and beef farming quite common practice. But there is one feature which distinguishes tilapia from other genetic engineering products – scientists have made males predominantly born. The reason is the offspring protection mechanism that exists in tilapias, – in case of danger, the female hides eggs and fry in your mouth, while ceasing to eat to Do not accidentally eat children. Such a hunger strike can last up to a week, which negatively affects the growth of fish, therefore it is more profitable to breed precisely males, whom nothing prevents to walk weight. 5. Gold Seahorses If you have money, but you’re tired of boring gilded gadgets, jewelry and expensive cars, pay attention to an unusual pet, which emphasizes the viability of its owner and at the same time will give him many joyful minutes. Photos from open sources Vietnamese scientists revealed to the world of the sea a ridge that seems to be made of pure gold. For his birth had to mix some gold dust and protein contained in jellyfish, and then add the resulting “cocktail” for caviar caviar by the so-called “genetic shooting”, which is alleged to be in the future will be widely used in DNA changes, for example, in the treatment of diabetes. Doctors will be able to “shoot” at the cells, replacing the problematic DNA sections are healthy. 6. Camel as a pharmacy Dubai geneticists went their own special way – they contribute changes in the genetic code of some animals to get genetically modified milk, capable, according to preliminary predicted to cope with certain diseases. The main camels are the material for experiments, because “ships Desert “unpretentious in food, resistant to disease and easy adapt to different climatic conditions. 7. Anti-malarial mosquitoes Every year about a million people kill one of the most serious and dangerous diseases in the world is malaria. Not one a generation of doctors is struggling to solve this problem, and one of scientists consider creation of the last arguments in fight genetically improved mosquitoes unable to spread malaria while possessing the corresponding dominant gene. In other words, when mating a common malaria mosquito and modified at the offspring will be blocked the gene responsible for transmission of malaria. Photos from open sources Of course, there is a danger of reciprocal mutations that can offset the positive effect of a new gene, why then not create a mechanism for mosquitoes “genetic self-destruction,” when the offspring will die, not even reaching puberty, because now it’s quite perhaps? The fact is that a sharp decrease in the number of mosquitoes will inevitably affect other parts of the food chain: for example, some rare bat species for which insects and, in particular, mosquitoes – one of the main components diet. 8. Supercows of the First Artificially Bred the bull’s name was German; he was born in Germany in 1990. FROM since then, science has taken a significant step forward, and now there are various breeds of cows resistant to rabies, infections and not even having horns to reduce the innate tendency to “vigor”. Photos from open sources Among the rocks that were born during human participation – the famous Belgian blue. Once upon a time as a result of long experiments of breeders, a calf with a gene that suppresses the production of myostatin – the protein responsible for suspension of muscle growth, so the process of feeding meat in a bull practically did not stop. The process of so-called doubling muscle mass allowed cows of the new breed to quickly conquer popularity among farmers, and in addition to intensive weight gain Belgian blue cows are famous for their low fat meats, dishes from which attract gourmets from all over the world. 9. Pork with Spinach flavored Japanese raised pigs to help meat lovers to improve their diet. Genetically modified pig breed creators named Popeye Pigs after the famous character of Disney cartoons – Captain Papaya, which ate mostly spinach. Photos from open sources Scientists introduced one of the genes to pigs spinach, which converts saturated fats found in pork into healthier and more easily digestible unsaturated fats (linoleic acid). Although studies have not yet revealed any complications when consuming genetically improved pork, implacable opponents of meat eating this product is unlikely to like – because you can just eat vegetables instead of invent “vegetable meat”. 10. Pets glowing in the dark Have you heard of a luminous rabbit? Since he was born in 2000, genetics tirelessly experimenting with various animals, instilling in them the ability emit a glow. Photos from open sources. Such experiments are conducted not only with the goal is to give people the opportunity to give each other funny dogs and kitties: for example, introducing cats to the gene responsible for glow in the dark, improves their resistance to the virus immunodeficiency. Researchers created luminous fish to track their migration and, in addition, doctors say that experiments with fluorescent genes will help in the development of treatment methods Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. By the way, one of their side options for using unique Japanese technology is creating an unusually beautiful luminous silk with the introduction corresponding genes to silkworm caterpillars.

DNA Time Cats Insects Plants Dogs

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