A photo from open sources
Photo: AFP / Scanpix
An artificial island of garbage, whose area is 700 thousand square kilometers, moves to the West Coast USA. A landfill weighing at least a million tons was formed as a result of Japanese earthquake and tsunami. All this rubbish now located between Hawaii and California. Island drifts in direction of the Golden State, from the coast of which it is separated less than three thousand kilometers. Americans call garbage island the size of Texas a “poisonous monster.” Meanwhile, as noted scientists, several million tons are scattered in the Pacific garbage. If you imagine that he will all join the “poisonous monster “, then its size will exceed the US area, and the weight will not less than five million tons. The garbage island contains everything: boats, home appliances and much more. All this washed away into the ocean with Japan’s northeast coast after devastating earthquakes and tsunamis that occurred in the country in March 2011. By Japanese Ministry of the Environment estimates that the tsunami washed away into the Pacific the ocean is about five million tons of garbage and debris. However scientists consider that not more than 30% got to open spaces of the ocean. Rest lie at the bottom around Japan. Specialists monitor the trash island, but warn that it behaves unpredictably and over the next few years may appear off the coast of any western US state, anywhere between Alaska and California.
Earthquakes USA Islands Japan