The ancient city will be protected by government troops

The ancient city will be protected by government troopsA photo from open sources

Discovered in Honduras at the beginning of February this year, the oldest “City of the monkey god” will now be guarded by government troops.

The fact is that the valuable artifacts of the found settlement (presumably the city of Ciudad Blanca) does not appear now no way to dig and transport to the capital Tegucigalpa. In view of this, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez ordered deploy an armed detachment with helicopters to the excavation site, which will protect the priceless relics from marauders and drug cartels that constantly operate in the jungle.

True, scientists fear that the measures taken by government will not be enough: too great values stores the discovered city. In this case, you must deploy around the excavations a constant contingent of the armed forces. But will it go the president of Honduras is not yet clear on this.

“City of the monkey god” was accidentally discovered in impassable the jungle of La Mosquito using a laser sonar. It – settlement of unknown indian culture approximately tenth to twelfth century. Not plundered the city so far has only been for the reason that I got lost in such a wilderness of the jungle that before him it wasn’t so easy to get to.

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