The ancient Greeks also suffered from a hangover

The ancient Greeks also suffered from a hangoverPhotos from open sources of

However, this is understandable, despite all their scientific and cultural achievements, amazing in their beauty and fantastic legend, as well as a whole pantheon of gods and demigods, they nonetheless remained the simplest people, not much different from us.

Therefore, like us, we often overdid it with alcohol drinks (and maybe even often), and then suffered from a hangover. By at least this is confirmed by the ancient Greek papyrus. Quite recently, decryption experts have found interesting in this plan document from which it became clear how the Greeks in the second century treated themselves for a hangover.

In order to relieve headache, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms of a hangover the ancient Greeks wore necklaces made from plants Ruscus racemosus L (in common people – this branchy). Note that this plant since ancient times is used from headache, but no one suggested that it could apply from a hangover, and even in such an original way.

Scientists of the Society for the Study of Egypt (Osford) have deciphered more thirty different medical papyrus that have been discovered back in 1896 during excavations of an ancient Egyptian settlement Oksirinh. All of these written documents of the past were written in various languages, including ancient Greek. It is among of these medical documents and a unique prescription was discovered from hangovers used in ancient Greece.

By the way, the Society for the Study of Egypt issues peculiar reports on the work done – collections of articles by The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, which are also duplicated electronically. Another electronic version of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri is expected 30 April of the current year.

As for the recipe for a hangover of the ancient Greeks, he can cause us only a slight smile, because, for example, Russian people will never wear any obscure necklaces, especially from a plant that still needs to be searched. For For these purposes, there are more proven ways: brine (better cabbage), kefir, light beer with sour cream (one to one), citrus juices (or citrus fruits themselves), finally, a contrast shower, steam room or just a pile of high-quality vodka for hot a snack (remember how in “The Master and Margarita” Woland treated Stepa Likhodeeva).

However, if you turn to the culture of different countries, then in each you discover your hangover recipes like Chinese people treat strong green tea, and Italians – strong black tea, Mexicans – they generally cook garlic salted soup for these purposes. How many countries – so many different approaches to solving this problems, not to mention the number of recipes. Well, if still we’ll start sorting through the historical ones …

Egypt Plants

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