The appearance of herring kings – a harbinger strong tsunami

The emergence of herring kings - a harbinger of a strong tsunamiA photo from open sources

An alarm broke out in the social networks of the Land of the Rising Sun after a couple of days ago off the coast of Toyama Prefecture were discovered the so-called herring kings of huge sizes. Length the largest beltnet exceeded 4 meters.

These fish, living at a considerable depth, are very rare. find themselves in shallow water, and among the Japanese there is a persistent omen, that the appearance of huge herring kings indicates the imminent an earthquake in the ocean that will certainly cause a powerful tsunami.

So, March 11, 2011 off the east coast of Honshu Island the strongest earthquake in Japanese history whose victims were about 24 thousand people. In several days before destructive shocks in this region were found immediately 20 Belt lovers of huge sizes.

A photo from open sources

Since then, whenever a herring is nailed close to the shore kings, the Japanese perceive this as an omen of the coming earthquakes and tsunamis, especially if there are a lot of fish and it has impressive size. The current case is one such. Islanders begin to prepare for a possible disaster, and some even leave coastal regions.

Experts doubt that the fish belt is capable of foresee seismic activity predicting earthquakes and tsunami. However, it’s useless to argue with popular signs, especially when they come true with frightening consistency. For example, 8 August 2, 2017 in the Philippines discovered two dead herring kings, and the next day on the island of Luzon happened 6.6 point earthquake.

There are, however, scientists who fully admit the possibility of such foresight from the side of the fish. Many living creatures actually feel imminent changes in nature, and in most cases, orthodox science cannot explain what kind of mechanism of their body do they use in doing so.

Japan Fish Earthquake

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