The benefits and harms of chocolate. Chocolate – live or dead food?

The benefits and harms of chocolate. Is chocolate a living or dead food?A photo from open sources

Chocolate is no coincidence that scientists, nutritionists, doctors, not to mention raw foodists who can’t determine in any way, living this food or still dead. The fact is that chocolate is one of the most common and beloved delicacies on earth, besides about it sometimes one or the other researchers write constantly.

The benefits of chocolate are scientifically proven

And this time, a whole group of reputable scientists representing Institute of Luxembourg (Luxembourg Institute), University of Maine (University of Maine), University of South Australia (University of South Australia), conducted a large-scale the study of this food product, as a result of which it came to the conclusion that chocolate favorably affects the work of the head brain. The reason for this is flavolones – plant polyphenols that improve many functions of the human body, such as vision, providing more intense blood flow to the retina. Now scientists revealed another positive effect of flavolones, namely – as stimulants of the brain. Moreover, such stimulation does not harm the body at all, rather strengthens and rejuvenates his.

Recall that chocolate is also rich in such natural “medicine” like theobromine, which has antispasmodic properties and successfully reduces body temperature without harm to organism. That is, he does not “knock down” her, as everyone does known aspirin, and affects the causes of increased temperature.

A photo from open sources

Chocolate damage – unpleasant consequences

However, excessive consumption of chocolate – leads to fullness and other unpleasant consequences. That’s why scientists recommending constantly consume chocolate, they warn that in everything should to be the golden mean. And one more thing: preference must still be dark chocolate without any additives, and even more so do not eat milk, which is a sweet candy based sugar and trans fats with a little cocoa. Last may bring only harm to the body, so it’s even surprising that it’s Russia is often positioned as a child’s, very nutritious and healthy product …

You will learn about other beneficial and harmful properties of chocolate. from the next series of the documentary project “Food Alive and Dead”, dedicated to this very favorite of our delicacies. From her you also gain knowledge of where and how cocoa beans are grown, which they are processed to become so tasty and healthy the chocolate we buy. And yet, in the film there is a story about “rejuvenating chocolate” – a delicacy, a medicine that he invented Russian scientist living in Foggy Albion, and how with the help of it can strengthen your health and prolong youth.


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