The birth of frogs in the middle of winter – what with the weather?

You can agree or disagree with the view that climate Europe is getting warmer, but nature cannot be fooled. Frogs, for example, do not familiar with the arguments of proponents or opponents of the theory of global warming. They just live the way they live, and perform a kind of program honed by millennia of evolution. Photos from open sources This year an unusually mild climate

The British autumn caused an abnormally early offspring of frogs. Ideally, they should lay eggs only in the spring, but autumn stood out so warm that they did it 5 months earlier. Scientists talk about a fundamental restructuring of all life cycles. Huntsman Cornwall County Rachel Holder says: “This year I am the first time I saw frog eggs on November 21, which is just unheard of. ” month, the birth of millions is expected on these New Years days tadpoles. Scientists fear that nature, if played with the terms of their birth a cruel joke, did not kill their offspring. No wonder that in as planned, they are born in the spring. Frost can become for frogs pernicious. For other “residents” of Britain abnormally early birth has already become a good tradition. For example, ladybugs sleeping during the winter awakened in the middle December 2002, 2008 and 2011.

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