Photos from open UK residents were seriously worried the appearance in the sky of a mysterious black ring. Since reasonable there is no explanation for this phenomenon, then it gave rise to a lot of speculation, ranging from a military threat to a UFO.
A video clip of this phenomenon was posted on YouTube by a resident of the city Nottingham, on which this “damn ring” hung some inhabitants of England christened it. The black ring soared straight over the roofs of houses, which caused a certain panic among population: the frightened voices of the British can be heard on the record the video.
Note that such black circles in the sky recently appear in different places on the planet, saw them in the English city Royal Leamington Spa in April of this year, they flew over USA, were seen in Kazakhstan and so on.
A photo from open sources
By the way, one of the physicists of the Akmola region of Kazakhstan, Andrei Solodovnik (North Kazakhstan State University), living just in the place where it was recorded about the same strange black circle in the sky, suggested that this may be the result of an invasion of the atmosphere of a cosmic body. But on the other hand, it is possible that the source of this phenomenon may to be on earth, for example, the Americans at one time did experiments on the launch of such smoke rings, which could even knock over items in their path.
Since such mysterious rings then break up into grayish smoky traces, then most likely they are composed of carbon black, and therefore, it can be assumed that this is simply a combustion product, concluded scientist.
However, it remains a mystery why these black circles in the sky appeared only recently, and why they are so identical, although this mysterious phenomenon occurs in different parts Sveta?..
Kazakhstan time