The black sun over Canada puzzled even scientists. The legendary Nibiru finally revealed itself?

The black sun over Canada puzzled even scientists. Has the legendary Nibiru finally revealed itself?A photo from open sources

In early October, a Canadian accidentally photographed “black the sun. “As the author of this unique picture assures, visually he I didn’t notice a single anomaly in the sky and actually just shot beautiful sunset.

However, later, looking at the captured images on a computer, the man saw this strange anomaly in one of the photographs, very surprised her and hastened to share the rare picture taken with Internet users. Here is what he said:

It happened on Prince Edward Island. Here at all very beautiful sunsets and sunrises, therefore remove the mystery of the clouds in evening time is a pleasure, and sometimes, if successful the resulting picture, the feeling of a painfully painful fairy tale persists for many years. I didn’t think at that moment that I it will be possible to “catch” something unusual in the sky, for example, a UFO. And here imprinted even more – the “black sun”. By the way, I don’t noticed in the sky …

Internet users immediately began to discuss this strange heavenly anomaly over Canada. Some recalled recent outbreaks on the Sun and tried to somehow connect this with them. Others said that the mysterious “black sun” may not be the luminary at all, but the mysterious planet Nibiru, which has been waiting for many years conspiracy theorists and amateur astronomers.

It is possible that Planet X is not as simple as we are we represent it, for example, it is parallel to us reality, and therefore no one still sees it in the Solar system, although it has long been here, as proponents argue theories of its influence on the life cycles of the Earth. Canadian photographer just lucky to catch on camera the moment when the mysterious the planet showed itself somewhat in the sky – invisibly to the eyes, but not for the camera.

And only the skeptics were not impressed by this picture, since for all occasions there is one and the same argument – this is a defect shooting or just fake. Even some scientists are interested a snapshot of the Canadian, however, putting forward more “mundane” versions, for example, optical illusion. In any case, they say, this an interesting phenomenon, it’s a pity there are not enough data to study it: one photography is too little to do even some scientific assumptions, from here all kinds of blossoms so magnificent mystical unscientific conclusions of paranormal researchers …

Nibiru sun

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