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14 year old Mexican boy because of intense fear of growing up decided on extreme measures. To stop growing, he started limit himself in food intake, and also began to distort own voice. As a result, the teenager lost 12 kg, became stoop and talk in a squeaky voice. Phobia in a boy appeared when he was 11 years old. From this period every time he noticed physical changes in his body, which indicated that he was growing, a teenager experienced panic attacks. The boy was sure that after a period as he grows up he will definitely be seriously ill, and then will suddenly die. According to the doctors, the mother played along in every way to his son in his desire to remain small. For example, she sang him lullabies and bought baby clothes. Although the boy for regularly visited a psychologist for years, treatment did not help him, therefore he was transferred under the supervision of experts of the autonomous Nuevo Leon State University (northern Mexico). According to the results examinations to the boy were diagnosed with heraskophobia (excessive fear of aging). This form of phobia is quite rare, as it develops on the basis of a combination of biological, psychological and environmental factors. In this case, rather of all, the psychological factor played a key role. When the boy was about 5 years old, he was sexually assaulted with side of a 6 year old neighbor. In addition, at school over the boy also peers regularly mocked. Experts decided that experienced stress as a child and caused phobia. However, in counterweight to this diagnosis made by Martin Anthony, professor Psychology from the University of Toronto. He said he never met patients with fear of aging, in addition, even I have not heard of people with such a diagnosis. According to him, the boy doesn’t gerascophobia and a disorder characterized by concern imaginary defects in appearance. Luis Gonzalez Mendoza, Director endocrinology at a Miami hospital, completely agree with diagnosed by a professor. He believes that the boy suffers from sexual dysphoria (a condition in which a person does not identify with by any gender). Patients with this disorder may be wary. puberty, as they do not identify with physical sexual characteristics. Mendoza sure for people with phobias first of all it is important to determine the main factors of your mental conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks and other things. Only after this can you begin full treatment. As for the boy, the doctor said that given the complexity and neglect of the case, along with taking antidepressants to the boy A full course of psychotherapy was prescribed. As a result treatment, the teenager’s condition improved – he stopped communicating in a squeaky voice and gained 6 kg in weight. Moreover, the boy began dream of his future in which he sees himself as famous an actor. However, experts noted that the child is still still afraid to make commitments that implies adulthood.