The British noticed a live fox under the bush and they called her rescuers, but their concern was in vain

The British noticed a fox living under the bush and called her rescuers, but their concern was in vainA photo from open sources

Let’s understand the main thing: ordinary people in all countries, without exceptions, kind, responsive, sincere, and even like children, naive. And therefore, when we write about the Americans or the British or Germans, we do not mean politicians, but average women and men who are not much different from Russians. Well, a little the mentality is different …

A funny incident the other day in the Farm Hill area, what is near the British city of Exeter, vivid confirmation to that. One day, its inhabitants suddenly discovered under a bush so exhausted fox that it seemed that she was already saying goodbye to life: the animal was not afraid of man, apparently, it was everything equally.

But on the other hand, the inhabitants of Farm Hill, these ordinary Britons, were it is far from indifferent who and how dies under the bush. And therefore they called the RSPCA animal rescue service and described the situation. The most amazing thing, as I later told reporters Ellie Burth, a service employee, that callers told such things that weren’t actually, for example, that this fox is already wanders around for several weeks, and then the second day sits under bush and barely moves.

A photo from open sources

We are constantly faced with many similar situations, Ellie says, so I didn’t really believe in all these heartbreaking stories and just asked to take a stick and lightly poke into the fox, determining whether she is alive at all and whether it is a fox. On the that I was soon informed that the animal does not move, but it is clearly living because it looks with pitiful eyes and even hard sighs.

However, when RSPCA employees arrived at the scene incident, it turned out that there was no one to save: under the bush lay stuffed fox. It was someone’s joke, and the scarecrow was specially planted under the bush in front of residential buildings, several times transferred, why people and it was believed that the animal moves across Farm Hill from last forces, each time climbing into a relatively secluded place, but not so, because she was expecting help from people.

We took the scarecrow, Burt explained at the end, but people for they didn’t punish the false call, because, as they say, it’s better make a mistake than leave the poor animal without help. And here are the jokers it would be worth punishing – with a belt in one place, like schoolchildren, if it’s even adults. Although, on the other hand, even in this joke you can see something good.

A photo from open sources

We think so too, which is why we emphasize these information that our world is not as terrible as it is painted political observers, in fact, there is a lot of everything in it, and good also. No wonder, probably, the eastern sages assure us that our dual reality is neither bad nor good, but neutral, because black and white, dirty and clean, good and bad in it equally. Just bad is always loud and ostentatious leads, and the good tries to remain in the shade …

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