The British will start raising pigs with human organs

The British will begin to raise pigs with human organsA photo from open sources

UK Government Plans to Coming Soon week to approve a new law that will allow biologists to grow in the bodies of animals are human organs. In particular, local specialists will use sheep and pigs for these purposes.

Representatives of the Animal Science Committee the British Ministry of the Interior, will soon publish the first guidelines for creating so-called chimeras – agricultural animals endowed with separate organs fully suitable for transplant to man.

The committee is about to tell other Misty Albion officials about the safety and prospects of growing human organs in animal organisms. Scientists are convinced that such an innovation is fast eliminate the shortage in the country of donor organs: liver, heart, kidney etc.

The most suitable animals are sheep and pigs. Researchers note that organs grown this way do not will be rejected by the human body because the basis for them will be stem cells taken from a transplant in need the patient.

The problem of organ deficiency for transplantation is now in Great Britain is particularly acute. First, the default bodies the late british cannot be used for transplantation to other people – for this, their master must give his resolution. However, even in this case, after the death of a person, relatives may prohibit organ harvesting.

In addition, in recent decades, physicians of the United Kingdoms face an increase in the number of substandard organs for transplanting. This is due to the fact that the organs of healthy people catastrophically small, so the British are forced to resort to donors suffering from obesity, alcoholism and other diseases. And this is far from the best material.

Chimera growing experiments are also underway. moment in the United States however Americans are not planning yet put the gained experience into practice.

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