A photo from open sources
Often people do not assert their rights simply because they don’t possess the necessary knowledge. Meanwhile, troubles happen to us constantly, even a simple shopping can turn into conflict. Often store employees violate the law on protection consumer rights, and the buyer does not even know about this one.
Accidentally Broken Product
Narrow aisles exist in small shops and in supermarkets. In such conditions, the buyer can drop the goods, accidentally hitting him. If the goods were broken unintentionally (or he suffered otherwise), the store compensates for losses.
Expired goods
If you find expired items in the store, it is recommended say so to the administrator or seller who should immediately remove the goods from the shelves.
The price does not match the price tag
This problem is most typical of large supermarkets: on price tag – one price, when paying at the checkout another appears. Must say that the amount indicated on the price tag is legally public offer, and the store is not entitled to adjust it. If you will not be able to resolve the dispute at the outlet itself, you can appeal to Rospotrebnadzor with a complaint.
Left-luggage office – no coercion
Not every buyer knows what to leave things in the storage room. not at all necessary, this is a voluntary matter. Store staff do not have the right to prohibit you from entering the trading room with voluminous bags and other things, even if the store is hanging prohibition ad.
No change
And this problem is relevant for small shops and kiosks. how usually sellers offer you to exchange money somewhere for neighborhood – and do not follow the law. Deny customer purchase due to the fact that there is no change, it is impossible.
Illegal search
If store employees accuse you of theft and demand a search, do not agree. They, of course, can call the police with the purpose of the search. But you need to remember: the search conducts only an employee of the same sex with the suspect, two witnesses, those present should be of the same gender.
It turns out the usual packaging of goods – a trap for the buyer.