The ceremony of human sacrifice on CERN territory

The ceremony of human sacrifice in the territory of CERNA photo from open sources

A group of people in black hoodies entered the European Center Nuclear Research (CERN), where the Large Hadron was installed collider (border of France and Switzerland) and committed at the statue Hindu god Shiva (established in 2004) rite of human sacrifices.

How the unknown managed to break into the well-guarded Center, to carry out a terrible ritual and leave with impunity, it is not clear. Moreover, all this supposedly went unnoticed by security and management CERN, since this incident became known only after how one of the participants in the ceremony posted a video on the Internet, filmed from the scene.

A photo from open sources

It shows that eight people in black hoodies spend the ritual murder of a woman dressed in something white. Mystical the murder is carried out with a knife. It is noteworthy that the shooter is visible in the reflection of the window, he is also dressed in a black hoodie, and because it can be judged that this is the ninth participant in the incident – whether mystifications, or actually a ritualistic rite.

Why and for whom was a stage set sacrifices?

CERN management believes that it was still a re-enactment sacrifices, an investigation is underway how unknown persons entered the territory of the Center, which is strictly guarded and day and night. Involve the Geneva police in this case management refused, believing that this should be internal investigation.

Naturally, on the Internet, all this caused a stormy and mixed reaction. Many suspected the leadership itself. CERN, since everything went smoothly and quietly at these strange participants in a terrible ritual. It’s not yet clear why this is necessary, but, it seems, Internet users write, soon secretly will become apparent.

Almost no one believes in the reality of the ritual, because, as religious scholars noted, not a single sect will do this before unfamiliar statues, they all have their praying idols, which need to be fed with blood, otherwise the meaning of sacrifice no, and therefore none of the sectarians will ever go feed some alien idol.

A photo from open sources

It turns out that this performance was shot only in order to to excite the public. Hence the desire to attract the police (strange, there is a fact, albeit indirect, of murder, and the question of whether or not to attract the police is decided without the police themselves). Hence all the incomprehensions why the shooter did this, judging by the video, in a lit room, that is, in the eyes of not only the participants themselves ritual, but also the guards of the CERN center.

But who and why did all this take? ..

Hadron Collider

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