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In Wuhan, China, Cases of Re-Infections coronavirus COVID-19 in people who have already recovered from it. About it reported on the website of the State Committee for Hygiene and health care of the PRC.
The agency’s report said that, as of Monday, 24 February 195, discharged patients were delivered a second time diagnosis. The document does not specify why this happened.
South China Morning Post notes that because of the epidemic city authorities introduced an additional mandatory 14-day quarantined for convalescent residents after some of them in the analyzes the virus was again detected.
Earlier, the Chinese ambassador to Russia said that repeated cases COVID-19 infections are not possible. He added that the virus was not deduced artificially in a laboratory, and suggested that he transmitted from wild animals. At the moment, scientists establish the exact source of infection.
According to the latest data, almost 80 thousand people were infected coronavirus. 2620 infected were killed, more than 25 thousand were cured. In Russia, two patients with the virus were recorded, they recovered. No other cases have been identified.
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Viruses China Russia