The Chinese have carried out the first ever gene human embryo correction

The Chinese carried out the first ever genetic correction of a human embryoA photo from open sources

A group of geneticists from Sun Yat-sen University in China was the first in the history of medicine correction of the human genome the embryo. During the sensational work, scientists corrected the defective a gene that is responsible for blood circulation, thereby making an embryo completely viable.

The results of this operation caused a heated debate in the scientific society. Some experts believe that this may become a real panacea for congenital diseases, others are sure that interference with germ genes can lead to unthinkable consequences for human society. In any case, the Chinese scientists have received full permission to carry out the correction of the genome the embryo and, if its results show success, they plan and continue to engage in similar activities.

Genetics introduced special enzymes into the defective embryo, by breaking down deoxyribonucleic acid in a specific place. IN further, these enzymes bound DNA in a new way and changed genetic information related to blood circulation. Notably that Chinese scientists carried out not one such operation, but whole eighty-six, changing the germ genes, each of which contained an extra set of chromosomes. Moreover, according to forecasts specialists, the number of embryos whose defective genes will be successfully changed should be negligible therefore about It’s too early to speak of any breakthrough.

The author of the study, Janjiu Huan, is confident that, given the above, the project does not deserve any hype around yourself.

DNA China

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