The Chinese have proven that you can levitate with ordinary lighters

The Chinese have proven that you can levitate with an ordinary lighter.A photo from open sources

On the Internet, viral popularity is getting a video on which shows how a curious young man of China sets off in flight, thanks to his tireless thirst for knowledge of this world and … most ordinary lighters.

Chinese for reasons not understood by many sane people pokes a lit lighter into the slot of the sewer manhole, after why there is an explosion of gas accumulated there, why the lid, on which, incidentally, the “experimenter” has perched on, leans back sharply, and the young man goes on a flight to the unknown.

Why – into the unknown? The fact is that on this video almost ends, since the extreme itself flies out frame, and what happens to him next is unknown. How remains mystery and where it happened and as the name of the newly appeared baron Munchausen, who proved that you can levitate, that is, you can fly thanks to curiosity and a regular lighter purchased for a few yuan.

By the way, this shock information, as journalists called it, very characteristic of China, not in vain Europeans facing by the Chinese as cheap labor attracted to numerous factories in China, literally clutching their heads from such impenetrable “curiosity” of this people, because of which on enterprises still have a high percentage of injuries (despite for which instructions, warnings and prohibitions), and for directors – an eternal headache for this reason …


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