The Chinese received the “artificial sun” at six times hotter than the present

The Chinese have receivedA photo from open sources

Chinese nuclear physicists have made an unprecedented breakthrough, warming up plasma in a toroidal chamber with magnetic coils to a temperature 100 million degrees Celsius.

It’s about six times hotter than the core of the sun, power heating exceeded ten megawatts. Many of us for sure will assume that this is not possible. Say, with such temperatures everything within a radius of many meters will instantly turn into ashes, or even completely fall through the hot soil to the core Of the earth.

However, in reality the experimental superconducting tokamak makes it possible to hold plasma in a magnetic “trap” without it is in contact with the walls of a nuclear reactor. In theory, this will allow to take heat from the plasma and generate colossal volumes energy.

“Miniature Star in the Lab” – So Chinese scientists call their brainchild. According to the researchers, they approached the possibility of creating a stable fusion reactor synthesis, allowing to obtain almost unlimited and free energy. It is noteworthy that similar technologies once developed in the Soviet Union, but were abandoned due to the collapse of the communist empire …

As you may recall from a school physics course, collision two hydrogen nuclei (in simplified form) leads to the release of a huge amount of energy. This process is called thermonuclear reaction. That is how our Sun and other stars in The universe produces heat and light. If humanity suddenly succeeds curb a similar natural process, then we gain access to to the source, roughly speaking, of unlimited and infinite energy.

The described successful Chinese experiment will become significant step towards the construction of the International Experimental fusion reactor in the south of France, in the creation of which 35 countries participate, including Russia, China and the United States The project cost is estimated at 20 billion euros, and The introduction of an international tokamak is scheduled for 2025.

Recall that scientists in many countries around the world do not work hard not only on the creation of the “artificial sun”, but also on obtaining the ability to store already received energy, which is not less important. So, Swedish physicists have recently developed the so-called “heliothermal fuel” – a special liquid capable of retain solar energy for about two decades with its minimal losses.

China Sun

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