A photo from open sources
Construction began in the People’s Republic of China carrier ship, which will be manned in four years new generation bathyscaphe “Caihungyu” in the Mariana Trench – so called the “bottom of the earth.”
According to the Chinese press, the dimensions of the Zhang Jian ship, which got its name in honor of the founder of Shanghai University of Geography, will be ninety-seven to eighteen meters. The design displacement of the ship will be four eighty thousand tons, autonomous range – fifteen thousands of nautical miles. Sixty ship crew man will have at his disposal several state-of-the-art laboratories and data centers, without which such deep-sea studies are hard to imagine.
Zhang Jian will be ready in exactly thirteen months. In the end this year, the Chinese intend to make a test drone immersion of an innovative bathyscaphe in the deepest point of the World the ocean. Tsaihunyuy able to withstand water pressure with ease at a depth of eleven kilometers.
It is worth recalling that for the first time I visited the Mariana Trench research bathyscaphe “Trieste” in 1960. Three years ago James Cameron – Director of the famous movie “Titanic” – traveled to the bottom of the gutter in a self-propelled underwater vehicle Dipsy Challenger. The achievement of the people of China is still seven-kilometer diving in a manned bathyscaphe “Jiaolong.”