The collapse of the “green revolution” in the US as serious call to the whole world

CrashA photo from open sources

Solar and wind energy can not stand not only reasonable criticism from independent scholars, but now also in practice demonstrate their failure. First from this “dizziness from success” began to free Japan, restoring work immediately fifty coal power plants, and now is also preparing to launch nuclear reactors, from which, more it was recently believed the Land of the Rising Sun refused once and forever and ever.

Following Japan, a blow to the “evangelists” renewable Energy deals USA. For example, the other day, the Minister of this industry, Rick Perry spoke to members of the country’s Chamber of Commerce which substantiated the need to diversify US energy into based on coal and atom.

Recall that before the reorganization in the United States established energy under the green that President Barack Obama started in the country produced 20 percent of its nuclear power plants and 43 percent – coal TPP. Now these indicators look like this: 9 and 17 percent. Driving in The White House, Obama practically undermined the country’s energy sector: in the result of this “diversion,” as many experts call it United States leading Peabody coal companies Energy, Arch Coal, Alpha Natural Resources are on the verge bankruptcy, with nearly 200 thousand Americans employed in this industry, lost their jobs. About the same sad picture and in the US nuclear industry.

A photo from open sources

Regarding the gas and oil sector electricity, then everything is based on incredibly expensive shale fossils, which also destroy the already shaky the earth’s shell (the state of tectonic plates) under the North America.

No wonder that one of President Trump’s first decisions was the return of the previous level of coal mining and resuscitation of thermal power plants, working on the basis of this fossil. Only in the first year of the reign of the new owner of the White House coal mining increased in the US by 46 million tons and could reach in this year – 800 million tons.

But with the nuclear power industry in the United States much worse, most nuclear power plants in the country are of considerable age, their owners (almost all nuclear power plants in the country are privately owned capital) there is simply no money, nor the ability to upgrade nuclear reactors for more modern ones. Revive the atomic today energy, quickly and efficiently, you can only go to bow to Russia (specifically – to Rosatom), thereby obtaining a unique centrifugal separation technology for uranium isotopes. It is her More recently, China purchased from Russia. In addition, you need to agree to construction and subsequent maintenance of nuclear power plants by Russian by specialists. But Russia, most likely, will not do such a thing. cooperation after Trump’s statement that the US needs as much as possible more nuclear weapons (it’s completely not logical to sell the United States in this case new technologies for working with the atom).

The United States has no choice but to turn to France or to the European consortium Urenco for help, but they possess outdated technologies, no one in the world, except for Rosatom, cannot build atomic ultramodern reactors, moreover – precisely, on time and without problems in further operation …

A photo from open sources

But let’s get back to where we started – why the presenters the countries of the world refuse green energy, and Russia, it’s necessary to give her credit, never put windmills and solar panels a cornerstone in this major industry? As it turned out, the effectiveness of these renewable energy sources catastrophically low, huge costs, and with regard to the environment (from which, it would seem, they danced), then not everything is safe. True, no one has really calculated the damage to the environment, which is applied during the production and installation of numerous solar panels, but the windmills have already clearly demonstrated a conflict with nature. And the most harmless here can be considered technogenic distortion of the landscape, which adversely affects psychology (and hence health) of a person. Moreover, even more the mass destruction of birds by windmills seems scary, not to mention about the violation on Earth of natural wind currents (and here the consequences are even difficult to trace, but you can be horrified without accurate predictions – again we thoughtlessly invade saints saints).

Barack Obama Donald Trump Russia USA Japan

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