The collision of the Earth with Nibiru is written even in Bible

The collision of the Earth with Nibiru is written even in the BibleA photo from open sources

As the mysterious planet X or Nibiru continues to worry the minds of the supporters of the cosmic Apocalypse, which with the inevitable fatality, allegedly approaching, then some researchers of this phenomena of a cosmic scale even found him confirmation in The bible.

For example, the ufologist Mattiah Glieserson, having studied the Old Testament, made a statement that there are lines in scripture concerning Planet X, which is supposed to destroy all life on Earth. After other scholars of this issue have taken up the Bible, who confirmed the words of Matthiach. According to biblical prophecy, the Almighty created not only the Earth, but also its double (it is this double that was accepted by researchers as Nibiru). Double Earth must certainly collide with our planet, destroying on her chaos and sinfulness – this will be the Armageddon that will cleanse humanity from all its vices.

However, the dangers of Planet X, which supposedly approaches The solar system (or has already entered it), researchers say not only relying on the scriptures of Christians, but also citing scientific arguments.

Bible Prophecy Confirms Scientist

For example, Ethan Trowbridge, an ex-employee The United States Geological Survey claims that by working more than ten years in the US government department, had access to secret information, including on the planet Nibiru, which in actually exists and will certainly encounter our blue ball “, destroying it.

A photo from open sources

However, according to Trowbridge, Nibiru is not a planet, but a whole system consisting of a dwarf star around which it revolves seven small planets. The scientist himself had to determine the effect of this stellar system on climate and seismic Earth setting. Carrying out numerous calculations, Ethan came to the conclusion that the convergence of the solar and nibiru stellar systems will cause catastrophic changes on our planet. This is significant sea ​​level rise, sharp temperature spikes exclusively on all continents, intense melting of glaciers and other natural cataclysms of planetary scale.

According to Trowbridge, humanity has a very good chance of survival not much, except if he made a mistake in some calculations. But such the probability is minimal, it is practically nonexistent …

Doubles End of the World Nibiru

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