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“Aristotle taught me how to satisfy my mind only what reasoning convinces me of, and not just the authority of teachers. Such is the power of truth: you are trying to refute it, but yourself your attacks elevate her and give her great value. ” (16th century, Italian philosopher, physicist, mathematician Galileo Galilei).
There are diseases that are not treated with drugs, as they have another nature and cause of occurrence. – One of these diseases crayfish. We will talk about this below.
But first, let’s say what medicine says about cancer today: – “The main disadvantage of modern treatment methods malignant tumors is the lack of selectivity (there is no possibility of distinguishing diseased cells from healthy ones).
A photo from open sources
Radiation and drug therapy not only kills cancer, but also normal cells of surrounding tissues and organs, which leads to serious side effects. Moreover, the cause of cancer itself is not eliminated! Chances of a successful cancer treatment may be significantly enhanced if science can learn, selectively kill tumor cells. (!) – And the final victory over cancer comes only when people find out its cause and get rid of its deadly influence!
What thoughts does medicine offer: – … One of the possible treatment approaches – “train” the body’s immune system recognize specific antigens located on the surface cancer cells. (Tag cancer cells). However only a limited number of cancer cells can synthesize on itself similar antigens and in very small quantities. it significantly complicates their recognition by cells of the immune system (i.e. the solution is a dead end). The proposed, very complicated, confusing and themselves doctors (to their honor and decency) recognize that today cancer treatment is futile!
In this place, regarding the modern proposals of the science of treatment cancer, it’s appropriate to quote the words of a brilliant French thinker, XVIII century philosopher, materialist Claude Helvetius – “Misconceptions sometimes such that their further construction requires more considerations and mind than the discovery of Truth. ”
Obviously, medicine is struggling with an already existing disease (with consequence). It’s like “to rake the waves from the shore,” not detect and eliminate the cause of cancer (to put it another way – stop the wind forming the waves). Finding a reason for treatment of the disease and for the prevention of its occurrence in a thousand times more productive. There is no reason – there will be no disease. Extinguish the fire under the boiling boiler and the water in it will cool. Eliminate the cause of cancer – and you will recover!
“Everyone from childhood knows that such and such is impossible. But always there is an ignoramus who does not know this. He does it discovery “. (XX century, outstanding theoretical physicist Albert Einstein).
Here and now, let’s think together, analyze, compare and find the cause of cancer (tumor) diseases.
What is already known is what science says about cancer. – …Cell, suddenly, gets out of control of the body and begins unlimited, unimpeded sharing – this is how a tumor arises (shapeless piling up of cells). The complexity of the treatment is in that, by their biological characteristics, cancer cells not much different from healthy ones. They are drug resistant drugs that have protective mechanisms that hide them from control the immune system.
Cancer cells are unmanaged cells. They are native to the body, therefore, the immune system is not recognized as a stranger and is not detected. They can not be called healthy, for one reason that they are not obey body commands. – Why? – So, as they are in zones of emptiness of an energetically destroyed field organism!
In every living healthy body, by nature there are internal, control factors that “guide” each cell in its strictly functional controlled path of normal growth and reproduction.
What hitherto “unknown” factors in science and medicine exist, direct and control the cell in a living healthy body? -In fact, these natural forces have long been known to man. They apply to them and are successfully used in life, but still in medicine as applied to human – not identified!
And we will apply them and use the knowledge of physics – relative to to man!
Recall. – The compass needle is strictly aimed at the poles along invisible lines of force of the Earth’s magnetic field. Arrow can swing, but she steadily (!) will return to the former strictly oriented direction. But, if you bring to the compass any an object that violates the magnetic field lines of force, then the arrow out of control. – This phenomenon can to watch many.
Similarly, a healthy body cell gets out of hand organism when the healthy field structure of our physical body. Not controlled by the structural field of the body, healthy cells begin to multiply randomly. Not energy of cells demanded in healthy functional work, used by cells for other purposes – is spent on uncontrolled unorganized division.
A complex, multi-layer magnetic body biofield is created by a network nerve cells receiving energy generated by our the brain. With age, with “blows of fate” (from moral problems), nervous exhaustion, a lot of brain cell activity decreases, the energy field weakens greatly, in it are formed emptiness. Therefore, with age, people are more prone to oncological diseases.
From the initial course of physics, one can recall one simple experience – formlessly sprinkled on a glass surface with a thin layer metal filings. If you bring a magnet closer to the bottom of the glass, then sawdust in an organized (!) line along invisible to the eye magnetic field lines. Not a single particle may deviate to the side until this field is violated. The same the law of physics affects both the physical body and the cells person. – “In nature, everything is controlled by the same laws “. (VI century BC, scientist, thinker Pythagoras).
The healthy magnetic field of the body is destroyed, the holistic “field skeleton” – the frame of the body, consisting of a plexus of power magnetic lines. A persistent error comes into internal conflict with nature. Cells lose their orientation, their control and in their the masses form a formless pile of “naughty” matter – swelling (cancer). The location of the tumor is determined by the principle – “where the field is thin, there it is torn.” Where the field is destroyed, there there is chaos, neoplasm of unorganized cells.
Why are tumors accompanied by terrible pain? – How freezing water in the bottle breaks the walls of the vessel, and uncontrollable, growing cells – tear living neighboring internal tissues of the body. “This is where the pain comes from.”
Man is much more complex than an animal. His health is huge influence is exerted by his thoughts, capable of destroying his biofield. FROM ancient times in medicine wisely noticed inextricable straight the relationship of vices, errors of moral consciousness, behavior – and physical diseases of various organs of the body.
Hidden, often from the consciousness of the patient himself, deep, moral illness of the soul destroys the human body at the level of his energy field and changes the healthy genetic memory of DNA offspring.
If the child is born from a parent (with a field), then the unborn child who is in inheritance, genetically destroyed DNA field. In this case, it’s much harder for a child to recover from cancer. To help him – it is required to put the energy biofield in order.
It is known that spiritual and moral people to their loved ones presence, personal energy, during contact with the patient cancer, give him relief. They “recharge” the field for a while sick and stop the chaos in his body. But constantly affect your body (in your field), can really exercise only the man himself, by the work of his thought. – Man for yourself the best doctor!
With the discovery of the hollow-field cause cancer, you can offer an effective way to treat it. -It is required to restore the lost man during his life healthy state of the energy field. It will not require either painful unpromising medical intervention nor burdensome material costs. Biofield recovery happens consciously. There will be no changes in the structure of the biofield – and cells will continue to disorganically share in his energy voids.
The brain is a “voltage generator in an electric (nervous) network machine-organism. “Morality is the” steering wheel “that selects the right way to health. Faith (as a physical quantity), – An energy source that supports brain activity. Energy forms a biological magnetic field in the human body. In his Density is the strength of the immune system against cancer. The cells of the body in a strong biofield are meek and obedient like lambs. in a herd, like “filings under a magnet.”
Those who are cured of cancer forever may recall that they, having gone through painful experiences, physical pains – before medicine was cured at the level of thought. – They fundamentally changed their the former is not a healthy life! They restored their biological field (immune system). It was this circumstance that served the reason for their recovery.
There are “wonderful” examples of curing cancer patients on the last dying stage, when they correctly understood the deep the reason for his “illness”. –
In the patient’s body, according to his personal firm desire to correct life and oneself, together with desire and faith – returned healthy worldview, healthy mind. Proverb says: – “Healthy mind – healthy and the body” (and biofield).
Today medical devices can not see invisible magnetic field lines in human organs cannot measure, on how much the field has become stronger. Has a person become spiritually higher morally better if he began to lead a healthy lifestyle. – It only a person can appreciate with his mind.
All the same brilliant thinker, scientist, materialist Helvetius, wrote: … “Thinking and sensation are properties of matter, arising as her most complex formations. Human a limited mind readily believes that a relationship he does not notices do not exist at all. To teach people – you need or offer them a new truth, or show them the relationship that binds truths that seemed disconnected to them. ”
For some – a teacher and, accordingly, the first guardian of their health, inner voice of conscience. To others who do not have this voice in themselves hears who is lost and does not distinguish between good and evil, who is not known the “alphabet” of morality – a teacher, is a disease.
So, the hollow-field cause of the onset and development of cancer defined.
Maybe someone will say that this is not what it is not, but in return, he cannot offer anything else.
Others will say that there are many causes of cancer. – In this case, they don’t understand and confuse the reason with the motives that served as the impetus (trigger) to start the development of cancer in the “matured” to body diseases. “Clap your hands, and an avalanche of snow in the mountains is gone.” But cotton is not the reason. Reasons to start the disease, like “stones on a thorny path of life,” which are easy to stumble on – really don’t count.
Vladimir Garmatyuk
Russia, Vologda
Water Time DNA Life Health Oncology