A photo from open sources
As scientists have found out, our core is somewhat different from that submission, which yesterday seemed true and unshakable.
In the middle of the core itself there is another, denser – metal ball. That is, the core itself is heterogeneous, it contains extra layer. And so it turns out that our Earth rimmed by the bark, under it is a molten mantle, and then outer and inner core.
Extra metal core inside our planet discovered by Chinese scientists at Nanjing University and American University of Illinois researchers who jointly conducted research data using seismic waves.
It is noteworthy that iron crystals in the internal and external layers of the core differ in both location and behavior, which proves not the identity of the materials that make up the data structure.
As American professor Xiaodong Song noted, the inner core small, just with the moon, but its properties are very interesting. New the discovery, he says, will allow scientists to more accurately determine time boundaries of the emergence and formation of the Earth, and also better understand the dynamic processes occurring with her, which in general affect the life of the whole planet, including us living on it outer shell.
A photo from open sources