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In the world there are many cases when people come out of the most incredible critical situations alive, come out literally by a miracle. Just such a miracle happened the other day in London on Adelaide Road, where the seemingly most banal event took place – cutting dry wood.
However, this is a dead tree, quite massive and dangerous, should be cleaned with extreme caution. However the lumberjack communal workers of the capital of England neglected the technique safety, relying on just one rope that should was to direct the sawn trunk to where it was needed.
Contrary to the expectations of the unlucky utility workers, a sawn down huge tree collapsed onto the roadway, which was not blocked for traffic. And at that moment under a tree literally hits a cyclist. However, by his miracle manages to avoid the fatal blow of a massive trunk. About such the lucky ones usually say that a person has a strong Guardian angel. Maybe it really is, because the case is truly phenomenal.
Despite the fact that there are many similar miracles in the world (obviously, there are plenty of guardian angels), they get to the video quite rare. Such videos flying over the Internet with tremendous speed and enjoying increased interest from Internet users are becoming truly viral. This and clear: probably, each of us in this world walks under the “Damocles sword, “and the miracle that the video shows us is not just surprising, but and gives hope that not everything in this world is as tragic as it seems (or how it is presented by modern media).