The discoverers of America were Siberian nomads

The discoverers of America were Siberian nomadsPhoto from open sources It is possible that the first indigenous people North America were Siberian nomads. This conclusion was made American specialists studying the human genome.

Employees of the University of California at Berkeley enlisting backed by scientists from the University of Copenhagen, investigated the genome of twenty-three people living in America between two hundred and six thousand years BC. Then the scientists analyzed the genetic material of thirty people living on the mainland in our days. Oddly enough, but among the indigenous people of America came from Siberia, the Pacific Islands and the United States.

Experts have determined that immigrants from Siberia appeared on the territory of modern America at a time when on Earth was observed last major ice age. At first, Siberian nomads settled in Alaska, then several millennia passed, and they settled throughout North America, penetrating even into South. If take into account that the latest research data of advanced scientists say that in ancient Siberia lived the ancestors of the Russians (descendants hyperboreans), it turns out that they live in America now representatives of Siberian blood, and in fact – Slavic peoples.

The authors of the study are currently interested in the many nuances of migration processes, which then occurred. According to one of the authors of the study, it’s not yet possible to say exactly when the Indians appeared in North America, and which Siberians influenced their appearance. Therefore, scientists are actively continue to work, trying to get as much as possible for their research more archaeological data.

The results of this scientific work will be published in authoritative American journal “Science”.


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