Men can dominate only at the expense of their appearance
Victoria Mileva from the University of Stirling in Scotland (Stirling University) identified a parameter by measuring which, you can determine how dominant is in society this or that person. Need a distance between the cheekbones divide by height. Whoever gets more will be more in authority.
A photo from open sources
An ideal candidate going to the polls should have enough wide face. And all – nothing more is needed. Photo: Stirling University
Simply put, the wider the face, the more significant it feels. the owner and all the more respectfully willing to treat others. At least the volunteers in Victoria’s experiments demonstrated just such a relationship.
The researcher photographed several dozen students male asking for a neutral face expression. At the same time, she interviewed them, finding out whether these young men take precedence over others, and how they evaluate themselves In this sense.
Next, Victoria showed photos to other students to rate strangers – whether they seem to them authoritative personalities or not. The results clearly indicated: the width of the face has paramount to the perception of strangers. And usually recognition of volunteers – they say this one will definitely strive dominate – consistent with the estimates of the broad-faced themselves.
The practical conclusion: if you need to vote for someone, focusing solely on photos of candidates – and so in most cases and it happens, people are likely to choose a candidate with more wide face. Narrow-faced, it turns out, initially have less chances.
Victoria has not yet figured out the nature of the phenomenon. But along the way found that the authority of women is in no way related to their width persons.
Other studies have found that men with broad faces, as a rule, achieve success in life. But prone to aggression.
In addition, broad-faced are more saturated with male sexual hormone testosterone than their narrow-faced counterparts. Maybe, women somehow feel it. Because more willing to them – broad-faced – stretch. But for some reason, mostly only those that lust for a short relationship.
For marriage, women are more likely to choose those with faces already. They are supposedly kinder.