The diseases that we choose for ourselves

Diseases that we choose for ourselvesPhotos from open sources of

Who does not know that a person who completely trusts doctors and adores walking to hospitals to some degree to themselves various ailments that doctors then simply state and confirm. However, few people know that in every country there are diseases about which no one else in other states I heard.

Is it funny or sad?

According to the British Medical Journal, there are more than two hundred different pseudo-diseases. Moreover, the list of such ailments are growing every year. For example, in Russia since The Soviet Union rooted such “common diseases”, like diathesis, dysbiosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis, cervical erosion, vitamin deficiency and some others that no one in the world does not know. In England, people are seriously treated for the syndrome fussy feet, in America – from allergies to Wi-Fi, and this list can go on for a very long time. No wonder the well-known satirist Mikhail Zadornov sarcastically remarked that current doctors have no diseases found by the rich! And then comes the list of absurd names like “sclerosis of the middle ear”, “calcaneal pneumonia” and so on.

A photo from open sources

It would be really funny if it hadn’t seemed so sad in fact, as our doctors do not just come up with diseases, they really don’t even know what a person is, which, in principle, is capable of defeating any, even the worst disease, like cancer. Moreover, modern medicine is interested in us being sick constantly, and therefore in every possible way hides the true methods of healing, cleverly planting us on drugs – all kinds of medicines, without which a person, starting use them, you’ll no longer feel normal never!

Man can heal himself

False diagnoses, hiding the truth, say, about the simplest cure from cancer, not knowing or not wanting to get to the truth when doctors encounter something incomprehensible – these and other questions are fine highlighted in the new documentary, “Diseases That Are Not There.”

A photo from open sources

By the way, about the terrible and mythical cancer, from which it has long been the simplest medicine is ordinary baking soda. Or – right nutrition. On this occasion, I want to remember the Englishman Francis Chichester, who, at forty, got lung cancer. However he is not began to wait for death, swallowing pills and passing useless medical procedures, and finally went to travel. In during one of these trips, a snow block in the Swiss mountains locked it in a hut, where only the bag of onions was from food bag of garlic. So they were fed by a brave traveler until until he was released from the snow trap.

Francis should have died of cancer by then, but he for some reason, he felt surprisingly healthy and strong. The examination showed that he had no signs of a terrible disease, whom he had been ill recently. After that Chichester made the first trip around the world on a yacht, taking with you on the road only onion and garlic…

Russia time

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