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British physician Sam Parnia specializing in return dead to life, insists that obsolete methods resuscitation leads to squandering lives that could to rescue. Dr. Parnia Heads Intensive Care Unit Stony Brook University Medical Center, located in New York. From the moment he took office, moving from Great Britain in the USA, a huge number of patients were saved: the chances of returning from the other world increased from 16% to 30%. Brit says that he does not work miracles and uses relatively cheap and simple methods to restore vital processes, which can save up to 40,000 American lives annually. Parnia doesn’t keep his technique a secret – he wrote a book in the hope that he will be heard and examined by his resuscitation method, called the Lazarus effect. “I am convinced that people should not to die from causes that are reversible. I say with caution that the victims of a heart attack should not die – for such a phrase many who have lost loved ones with this pathology react painfully. But the fact is that with a heart attack you can easily deal. If you control the process of death, you can extract a blood clot and a stent (a prosthesis inserted into a hollow organ to preservation of clearance). After such an operation, the heart will resume work. This technique can be used for diseases of various origin, ”says the resuscitator. Control the process of death is as follows: doctors quickly cool patient’s body to prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death), and then drive his blood through the apparatus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) cleansing the internal environment of the body from carbon dioxide and saturating it oxygen. At the end of the procedure, purified blood is poured again to man. Using ECMO literally allows you to resurrect people. “The Japanese girl I mentioned in my book, was dead for three hours. But after six hours resuscitation she again returned to life. About the same case happened with football player Fabrice Mumamba. At the time of arrival at he was dead in the hospital, but we managed to reanimate him. And it is not a miracle, and a science, ”says Parnia.
A life