Photo from open sources
On a random video, one of the video bloggers unexpectedly noticed alleged supernatural phenomenon. Young man, known under the pseudonym Spunkflunk, talked about what he At least one thousand followers must be collected to confirm of your YouTube channel. It would seem that such videos on described video hosting you can find an infinite number, however it was these frames that suddenly caught the attention of Web users.
One of the commentators noted that the doll sitting on the bed behind the youtuber, she suddenly began to spontaneously move. On the the frames below are clearly visible as she lifts right hand. Some of the regulars on the World Wide Web believe that the toy came to life on its own. According to others, it moved in a ghostly or demonic entity. If you believe the third, speech it’s about mystification, and the doll was set in motion by some imperceptible thread, say fishing line.
When the channel’s author found out about this strange detail in his video, then he was very puzzled. According to the young man, a strange doll gave him not so long ago a friend. Our hero is somewhat surprised at the present so unusual for a man, but still received it and placed it in his bedroom. Alas, Spunkflunk girlfriend after that, she supposedly stocked herself somewhere, and the youtuber has not yet managed find out from her whether this mysterious thing has demonstrated abnormal properties before.