Photos from open sources of
This is how journalists described the situation in Manipur India. Here, on June 4 this year, a huge crack in the ground: about three kilometers long and several meters the width.
Moreover, this giant earth cleft continues to grow on Today, locals already have more than five kilometers of ragged earth fault that swallowed dozens of houses and other buildings, sprawling from village to village. Hurt of course, from this and agricultural land.
From the many failures of the earth that accompany this giant fault, even new reservoirs have formed, in particular near the village of Kalihola, which damaged the local line power lines. To date, authorities have evacuated more than three hundred people from a dangerous area, but the situation continues get worse.
A photo from open sources
According to Deputy Commissioner Ranjit (Rajit), alarming not only crack growth, which in itself creates a lot problems, many pilgrims rushed to the disaster area – they are attracted here by ordinary human curiosity. Therefore have still fight with this obsession, so that the “tourists” would not suffer who do not follow any safety precautions.
There is another problem, complains Rajit, it’s spreading rumors that a nearby volcano wakes up, which is why, they say, and pops land. All this pumps unnecessary fear to the local population and therefore it’s more and more difficult to work, because there is nothing worse than a human panic. It takes a long time to explain to people that there are no active volcanoes in the area, and that generally in the state of Manipur India a dangerous volcanic area can to name only the Andaman Islands, which are too far away.
Volcanoes india