A photo from open sources
Richard Horton, editor of Lancet Publishing House, recently spoke with sensational statement: more than half of scientific research in ultimately end up with false conclusions, or, more simply, these studies alone are a lie.
It may seem at a glance, he says, that in this is not a big deal, just scientists, they say, are in constant search and not everything goes smoothly for them. However, this is not as harmless as It seems to the average layman. The point is, the editor claims, that the data obtained during these “scientific” studies, used, say, to create drugs and vaccines, from them repelled in higher education institutions in the preparation of young professionals and so on. Remarkably, the publisher continues, that many such false studies are sponsored by Big Pharma, that is fifty of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world that spend up to half a billion on these, to say the least, “scientific” works dollars a year. Moreover, orders by pharmaceutical companies needed of (beneficial) research by them is the most common practice in the search for new drugs, while schools become peculiar to their paid agents.
And this huge amount of money invested in “scientific” research, with easily pay off due to the health of people who blindly believed in our pharmaceuticals and medicine, and almost just jabbed on a “needle” chemical drugs that do them more harm than good.
Horton’s conclusion is supported by the editor of New England Medical Journal Marcia Angella, who, according to a specialist, for twenty years of work in the magazine made sure hundreds of times that trust reputable pharmacists and doctors can not. Unverified, taken almost from the ceiling, facts, distorted information is published even in the most reputable medical publications, therefore, “peer-reviewed” research should be treated with a serious amount of skepticism.