A photo from open sources Drink on an empty stomach tours a divine drink – clean water with lemon and honey, and you will forget about colds, cystitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, about many others sores, you will become easy to wake up, constantly feel increased tone, notice how your appearance is transformed into for the better, get a slim figure.
To do this, squeeze in a glass of boiled warm water about half a lemon and add a teaspoon (with a slide) of honey, stir everything well and (certainly with pleasure and good mood) to drink. And so every morning, as soon as you wake up.
This drink, unique in its medicinal properties, will protect you from infections of the urinary tract, improve digestion, protect against flu of any its modification, favorably affects the condition of your skin (hence the rejuvenation effect), it will cleanse the blood and will produce in your body a host of other positive changes.
Be sure to try – and you will forever give up coffee, tea and all the more so a hearty breakfast. In the morning you just need to drink this divine drink and calmly go to work, to college or where you need to – and do not worry about your diet right up to lunch itself (and even better – until dinner).
Do not be afraid, it’s not at all difficult, the main thing is to be patient the first week that your body will rebuild to a new mode. In the future, he will not only not bother you with anything (in terms of hunger or some other discomfort), on the contrary, you are all day figuratively speaking, you will fly on your wings, marveling at your vigor, beating through the edges of energy and constantly good mood.
By the way, for those who are looking for a magic elixir of youth, we offer watch an interesting film about the legendary mystic Cagliostro, who knew such a tool and used it constantly, why he remained forever young. And not only about him …
Water Health