A photo from open sources
Former CIA Officer Edward Snowden Performs Another Role – the predictor. So, he said that in September of this year there will be a series of powerful solar flares that will kill hundreds million people.
Although this upcoming event has been known for a long time, world governments failed to prevent a threat that could destroy humanity. Sun flares occur enough often cause magnetic storms, which affect The earth. So, last July, the Solar-Terrestrial Observatory NASA’s interactions recorded massive solar ejection substances into outer space: its speed ranged from 2 880 to 3,520 kilometers per second. According to experts, this the fastest coronal ejection in the history of observations. The last before this geomagnetic storm of such strength, according to sources observed on August 28 – September 2, 1859 and received the name “solar superstorm”. Then the sun was numerous spots and flashes are noted. September 1-2 North shine was visible even in Cuba and Jamaica, which for these points of the earth the ball is not at all typical, and the telegraph was also completely interrupted communication in Europe and North America. In 2013, we expects maximum solar activity, experts promise. By according to Snowden, he has the CIA documentation at his disposal, who learned about the “solar apocalypse” back in 1999. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has come to concluded that as a result of a series of abnormal solar flares most of humanity will die within two months. To to avoid mass panic, intelligence services immediately classified information. However, it was communicated to the governments of other countries of the world, collaborating with the USA. What awaits us in September? At first, The sun will emit electromagnetic pulses that can destroy electronic circuits. In large cities, systems will be paralyzed life support, since the central computers that control them simply fail. Secondly, the outbreak is the most catastrophic way will affect our well-being. Chaos will arise in the world, people will not be able to access food, money, medical technology and other resources. Most likely, they will fail and electrical circuits, cities plunge into darkness. By the way, not so long ago American computer specialist dies at age 35 security, and part-time hacker Jack Barnaby, engaged in the development of a system that allows killing from a distance people who have implanted pacemakers and defibrillators. Her essence that anyone who uses such a device will be able to 9-15 meters to send to the implanted device of the victim a deadly charge of 380-830 volts, for example, with the included laptop. Earlier Barnaby became famous by developing Jackspotting, which can make ATMs give out all the cash. The hacker claimed that so “criminal” inventions will allow manufacturers of banking equipment or pacemakers make your products more protected. On August 1, Barnaby was due to report on his distance kill system at Black Hat’s conference Las Vegas But a week before this, news came of his death – he was found dead in his apartment in San Francisco. Is it random his death? After all, Barnaby’s know-how works according to the principle electromagnetic pulse! And what do you think will happen if thousands of people with implanted cardiac stimulants will be in the zone the action of such an impulse sent by the sun? To soften consequences, authorities and commercial companies are involved building shelters that can protect for a while from the Apocalypse. So, FEMA and the National Center for Reduction disaster dangers in China suggest even before the onset of fatal days evacuate tens of millions of Americans in special camps, “to ensure prompt delivery of food and the provision of consumer goods. “They believe focusing people on separate reservations can simplify the task of saving them. But at the same time, resources are too limited, so that you can save at least a significant part of humanity and maintain its existence for a long time. Trusting high With technology, we ourselves are trapped, says Snowden. The coming disaster is the price that humanity is forced to pay for progress. However, how many have already been – apocalyptic forecasts? Hopefully it’s just another horror story, and we, as always, will survive safely “dangerous” period. Margarita Troitsyna
Time End of the World Sun