The European part of Russia is shifting to northeast 2 cm per year

A photo from open sources

After conducting research, scientists discovered that the European part Russia, and this is the Russian platform to the Ural Mountains, is shifting to northeast two centimeters a year. Doing research Ural geophysicists for five years.

A photo from open sources Ural ridge, Western Siberia and Russian the platform underlying the Russian (East European) plain, shifts each year by 2 cm to the east and 0.5 cm to the north. About the results concluding an extensive geodynamic study told ITAR-TASS Senior Researcher, Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of the RAS Arkady Ovcharenko. For five years, scientists have measured coordinates of geodetic benchmarks – signs that accurately fix a specific point on the earth’s surface. The measurements were carried out with highest millimeter accuracy at 20 weather stations in Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions and Bashkiria. “Based on the changes in these coordinates, we calculate the speed deformation of the earth’s surface. Found that in a large region all displacement vectors are almost the same, “said the scientist. This means that the Ural mountains do not accumulate large tectonic deformations and the region will still remain seismically moderately active – tangible earthquakes to residents of Central Russia and the Urals are not threatened. “Before the start of research, we expected more inhomogeneous deformations. And the fact that the region is deformed little, too is an important conclusion, “stated Arkady Ovcharenko. Displacements of the earth’s crust in such studies are recorded according to the international system IRTF-11, and absolute reference points for such measurements are tied to a coordinate system lined global network of radio telescopes VLBI. In geodynamic The research involved mainly laboratory staff Regional Geophysics and Geodynamics of the Institute of Geophysics named after Yu. P. Bulashevich of the Ural branch of the RAS. Important assistance was provided to scientists Uralhydromet employees.


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