The famous clairvoyant was shot at him own office

The famous clairvoyant was shot dead in his own office.A photo from open sources

Rodrigo Rodriguez – clairvoyant and astrologer of Colombian origin found dead in the sorcerer’s own office that was in the resort town of Cancun. How Mexican was established police, death came as a result of a point-blank shot – in the back of the head.

The astrologer was killed a few days ago, but was discovered only after the customers of neighboring drinking establishments became complain about the stench that came from the clairvoyant’s office.

The most famous Rodriguez brought predictions about pop stars Michael Jackson (his death), as well as some famous people of Mexico. He constantly participated in all kinds of television shows on which, for example, argued that in his time foresaw the death of singers Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston, planned numerous events right up to the end of the year. So in October was going to go to Spain to reveal secrets future for members of the royal family, considering this event important a step in his career.

Who and why killed the famous astrologer, the police are now figuring out Mexico, perhaps this is the most commonplace robbery. Only surprising that the clairvoyant could not prevent such an absurd death and, judging by his long-term plans, even to foresee her.

It is no coincidence that the forecasts of most of these sorcerers are contradictory and rarely get to the point – the future is subject to very few and how as a rule, these few do not earn their foresight big money, do not exchange your spiritual wealth for material wealth …


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