The first computer was invented by the Russian Arseniy Gorokhov

The first computer was invented by the Russian Arseniy GorokhovPhoto from open sources

Where, when and who invented the first computer

This person could make the USSR, and therefore Russia, computer superpower, thereby possibly preventing the collapse of the Soviet Union and turning the history of our state into another, more prosperous channel. But this was not destined come true.

True, his computer, which Arseny Gorokhov calls intellectual, he invented, patented, and even received copyright certificate number 383005, which described in detail “programming device”. That is, the first computer is practically received a residence permit in 1973 – three years before Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak assembled their Apple I.

Today it’s hard to say whether they stripped the idea from Gorokhov, since the bulletin of inventions and discoveries where the description Soviet intelligence at the time printed, it was available almost anyone in the world, especially working in the system patent law. And Western scientists, what a sin to conceal, always tracked discoveries in the world, and especially in the USSR, so generous with inventors, but completely not able to use properly it is its wealth. At least if not Jobs themselves and Wozniak, their investor was most likely familiar with the publication of “programming device” of the Russian inventor.

Arseny Gorokhov received a patent for the invention, and what further?

Arseny Gorokhov hatched his computer as a leader the design bureau of the Omsk Research Institute of Aviation Technologies for five years, when I realized the complete inefficiency of the chain, starting from draftsmen of his unit and ending with punching a card for computer girls machinists. It was necessary to connect it all together. And he did it. His selector has a data input unit – today’s keyboard, process graphical display unit – current monitor, converter – motherboard, memory block – hard drive, and so on. Not unless we are familiar mice.

A photo from open sources

Punching your invention in the USSR turned out to be even more difficult task. And although by chance, thanks to a meeting of smart and understanding people, Arseny Gorokhov still got a patent for his invention, but it didn’t go beyond that. Not that it starts Gorokhov’s computer in mass production, the country was not found money and smart officials even to create at least industrial design and understand what it is – a computer! And even in he was told at his native institute: what do you need, Gorokhov, a patent registered, received a prize, they hung you on a board of honor …

Russia did not become a computer superpower just because of shortsightedness of officials

By the way, the prize that Arseny Gorokhov received for his the invention amounted to only 50 rubles – by today’s standards, about five thousand. And in order to establish the industrial production of computers, the state should have spent, according to conservative estimates of the inventor, about one hundred thousand rubles (the current ten million). That is how much money was not enough for the state to become computer superpower …

Arseny Gorokhov still lives in his native Omsk. He is the author more than sixty different inventions, among which not only the world’s first computer – an intelligent, but also fashionable now a 3D printer (patent number 706700 issued to him for this invention back in 1979).

By the way, in Omsk there is a Museum of Education, in which Gorokhov the stand “Omsk – the birthplace of a personal computer” is dedicated. But about According to the director of the museum Igor Skandakov, even in his native few people know the city of Arseny Gorokhov, not to mention Russia and in whole about the planet. That’s why I want to say this in words one of the most famous Soviet film heroes – not for himself, for power is a shame …

Money Russia USSR �

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