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We are haunted by a huge number of issues related of our universe, for example, do they really exist aliens. In fact, there are things that really afraid, and they are everywhere, actually hidden from ours eyes. The truth will not leave anyone indifferent, but someone is possible it will amaze to the core and make you seriously think. Fast moving black holes Black holes – invisible space killers. Ask anyone what people think the most frightening cosmic phenomenon. Very many, if not most will call black holes, because this expression is so replicated in the mass media that we have absolutely no doubt in their existence, while having a very vague idea of what really these black holes are. For many, black holes are something like space Koloboks, no matter how ridiculous and primitive it would sound. First of all, black holes classify to size. The smallest and largest, huge and insignificant small phenomena of unknown origin. Micro black holes exist only in theoretical calculations, medium holes the size of their appearance is due to the destruction or merger of stellar clusters, it is this black hole formation scenario for most people look the most traditional. Black hole not can absorb everything that surrounds it, since its gravitational the field is quite limited. It was traditionally believed that wandering in outer space can only supermassive black holes sweeping at an incredible speed of nine million miles per hour. Just an unrealistic figure, in life most often small children operate on such numbers, proving to their friends who and what time times cooler. However, this phenomenon does not pose a real threat to us. Objects rushing at high speed are not particularly dangerous, their danger collision with other celestial bodies, while the direction the movement is changing, and we have hundreds of invisible cosmic bodies, swirling in outer space. A real threat the probability of a collision of a hole with something in its path, as a result why is this “something” rushing to our planet at a speed of nine hundreds of millions of miles per hour. Supermassive black holes Supermassive black holes really exist and potentially are the most dangerous phenomena in the universe. By definition the density of black holes is so high that everything in within the hole itself, inevitably falls into the field of its attraction. Based on the name of these black holes, it is easy to assume that the mass of these heavenly giants is huge, not less than the mass of four million suns. To date, we can only determine the presence of black holes by observing the movements of celestial bodies in specific place. Depending on speed and direction following, one can quite confidently assume that at a certain moment a black hole will overtake them and sweep away like a hurricane. In the center of any galaxies are stars and gas clusters rotating with high speed. According to scientists, such a position of heaven objects implies the presence in the center of any galaxy, including including our supermassive black hole. In principle, we are afraid nothing special because our planet is on pretty a large distance from the “danger zone”. However, the danger lies in another: the problem is that black holes are fueled by gas and in eventually stop moving. Hit in the gas zone creates an increase in the volume of the hole itself, then scientists say that the hole is activated and turns into an “active galactic core”. During this period, these “galactic nuclei” turn into powerful sources of radiation devouring in their galaxy all the gas that stars form. Usually this process stops when the hole has nothing to “eat” and, in the end, she is closing. However, during the active galactic phase nuclei “the process of star formation is sharply activated, that’s exactly called a starburst flash. Such stars are quite large and massive, many of them turn into supernovae, destroying everything that might get in their way. In fact, it turns out that supermassive black holes clog their own galaxy tons of explosives. Red Planets Depending from the scientific theory common in your school years, our The solar system numbered eight or nine planets. However it is noteworthy that this number includes only planets, behavior which can lead to some kind of standard. Red planets are rebels and “bad guys” of outer space, which the concept “orbit” is not a law and they simply follow the rules of behavior of other planets spit. Red planets do not rotate on their axis, they wandering around the galaxy until in their path there will be some other cosmic body that either will stop the movement of the Red Planet or stop itself under it influence. According to the most common theory of the origin of red planets they were displaced from their orbits because of their uncontrollable behavior. Red planets are quite a frightening phenomenon, but something in they are simply awesome. For example, their number. In our the galaxy of these planets is twice as many as the stars. Impressive not right? The second is their size, not inferior to the size of Jupiter. Now imagine two hundred billion Jupiters not attached to strict orbit, randomly moving around our universe. At God either a very strange sense of humor or he is a big fan of pinball. The collision of a red planet with a foreign object does not always have terrible consequences, but sometimes it can cause real disaster. It is believed that the red planet is able to displace another the heavenly body from its orbit, sending it into a promiscuous wandering in outer space. Hypernova star As already clear from the name, the hypernova is something like a supernova, but with a much larger diameter. Hypernovia result from collapse of the core of a supermassive star directly into a black hole. The released energy reaches just incredible speed, creating by its movement two reactive plasma flows, moving at the speed of light, while highlighting the powerful gamma radiation. It can only be compared with a shot from guns, but on a completely different scale. However, there is a good news: this can happen only in the biggest stars galaxies, in giants, hundreds of times the mass of the sun. Such huge celestial bodies are extremely rare and education hypernova stars, possibly once every two hundred million years. Bad the news is that for the Earth, the date of the fatal collision is inexorably is approaching. It’s possible This Kiel, the closest facility capable of collide with a hypernova, just explode and collapse. However, for us, these events are unlikely to have serious consequences for the reason for the great distance of seventy-five hundred light-years. If this happens next to our planet, a plasma explosion is all living things would be swept off the face of the earth. Fortunately our solar the system is somewhat similar to a guarded residence, and terrible giants keep a safe distance from our planet. Perhaps it was the hypernova that at some point became the cause of the destruction of all life on earth, which was later called Ordovician-Silurian extinction.
Galaxy Universe Solar System Black Hole