Photo from open source craving for life is one of the fundamental properties of living beings. Bear paw in a trap and forced to bite off a limb, continues to walk, limping. The blinded wolf also does not lie down and does not die, but is engaged feasible hunting, despite impaired vision.
French engineers allowed robots to function after various damages. Machines are independently looking for ways continue to work, that is, survive in any conditions. According to robotic engineers, they were inspired precisely by the behavior of animals. Experts report that when the beast is injured, he immediately begins to pick up new patterns of behavior, trying to compensate own damage. In this, instincts and intuition help him.
Experts have developed a software algorithm that gives the machine an opportunity to analyze the received damages and adapt to him, continuing to work in roundabout ways. So, in the video below you can contemplate as a robotic spider with non-functioning learns to walk with a limb, adapting to injury. A a mechanical hand programmed to throw plastic into a container ball, manages, despite a faulty joint, find optimal bending for this action.
According to the French, their development can be considered peculiar a breakthrough in robotics. Previously damaged robots were unable continue to perform their functions, as they functioned strictly within one program, not being able to modify it. Thus, a new algorithm laid down in the technique gives it something like a craving for life. It is possible that perfect artificial intelligence, which in theory can be created man, will certainly possess such a feature – craving for life and adaptability to changing conditions.
Note that modern robots are becoming more and more perfect. The Russians created a machine that can understand women’s logic, the French endow robots with a thirst for life. What’s next?..
Life Robots