The gene of loneliness is discovered

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Chinese researchers managed to find the gene for loneliness. Scientists wondered why, despite the abundance of potential partners, many people can’t find until the end of their lives your other half. It turned out that everything is due to a certain a combination of genes. The main reason for loneliness, according to doctors, is the 5-HTA1 gene. People have two of his varieties. Moreover, carriers of one of them live 1/5 more often all my life without ever finding a couple.

The results of the study were obtained in the study of genomes. six hundred volunteers. For the experiments, hair was used. Some C gene version was isolated from genetic material, in others – G. Lonely in most cases were carriers of the latter options. The reason why this phenomenon is observed, for researchers say that the 5-HTA1 gene (subtype G) somehow affects the production of serotonin. It is a flaw This substance does not allow people to approach the opposite sex. Besides the fact that the owners of this version of the gene are lonely, they also suffer from neurosis more often than others.

So the secret of loneliness is no longer such. And this means that by increasing the level of serotonin, you can “rewrite” your fate

A life

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