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Specialists from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany developed clothing that, under certain conditions, makes the owner is inaccessible to prying eyes. So we can say that the Germans created a kind of “invisibility cloak.”
According to the researchers, they originally performed from a similar material box, which allows you to make any small items placed in it. Achieving impressive results, the inventors brought reality so mythical an item like an invisibility cloak. Invisible clothes and its owner makes radiation bent around them. Curved light does not allow it’s good for outsiders to see a person.
The invention is made of special metamaterials. Inside clothes using artificially formed periodic structure there is a special environment with variable and negative coefficients refraction. This allows the light to bend around the subject, so consider it becomes extremely difficult.
It should be noted that the development of invisibility cloaks today scientists from many countries are involved, the first such inventions appeared at the beginning of this century, however, as practice has shown, not a single such a “fantastic product” does not completely protect a person from prying eyes. Skeptics believe that German development not much better than all the previous ones.
On May 12, the Germans plan to demonstrate its innovation at the California Invention Show. Moreover, researchers wish unusual material even in Germany included in the compulsory school curriculum in physics. Just such things, scientists are sure, are able to arouse in children a craving for knowledge and develop their inquiring mind.