The Ghosts of Demian Bor

The Ghosts of Demiansky BorPhotos from open sources

Demyansky Bor, located in the picturesque tract of Novgorod of the province, has long been known as a place where something strange happens, beyond.

Back in 1862 manager of the local soap cooperatives Nikolay Prokhotsev wrote to his master Aleksei Yurskov that this the natural area, similar in relief to a huge boiler, is plentiful a variety of plants, fruits and natural aromas, ideal for perfumery purposes. There’s just one “mystical business “: in this place a disgusting person develops well-being, when a certain one is “in certain guises” (manager calls it a hassle). For example, someone’s views set on a traveler from behind, capable of knocking him down … Or is it a loss orientation in space when from the “right place” suddenly you get into the “wrong.” And if at the same time no one helps you – you will disappear, you will not return back.

A photo from open sources

In the evenings in inclement weather you will certainly see a fiery goblin here. A kind of “foggy bundle” will grow in front of you from the earth and it will begin glow until it is clinging to everything with wet cotton wool. Compasses here are inactive. In a word, a lonely person in this fuss will be famously, it happens that no bones can be found, summarized Prokhortsev.

Mysterious forest with surprises

Half a century has passed, and in 1912. Petersburg geologist Athanasius Zabrodovym (by the way, a native of these places) around the perimeter of the boiler Demiansky boron revealed an abnormally high magnetization, and also the conductivity of the soil (that’s why the compass needle indicated a false direction in the forest). Zabrodov used for his research the most advanced instruments of that time.

A photo from open sources

There is another very interesting evidence of miracles. Demyansky Bor, owned by the red commander Nikolai Savelyev. In 1926 Savelyev was in these places on a visit and told his brother Vasily about how he went mushrooming in mysterious boron.

Honey mushrooms, according to Nikolai, were on so much rotten that not enough of the cart. The horse did not budge and trembled. It soon became clear what she was afraid of: low clouds filled from inside with a red sinister light, and from them it fell on the ground ice croup, and then – pieces of some gray prickly flew cotton wool. With this cotton, Nikolai filled a bag.

A photo from open sources

In the early autumn twilight, the clouds burned like large lanterns, and lit up everything around. What else was surprising: grass, bushes, conifer, rotten dumps, even mushrooms lying in the box, flickered and shimmered with green trembling light. From every chopping swing hands tracing red air green tracing line. Nicholas, despite the devilry going on, decided to divorce bonfire and then watched like a flame, a bowler hat and what is in it cooked, pulsed and glowed alternately red, now in green.

Savelyev set off for brushwood, but suddenly he saw a ghost, who exactly repeated him, Nicholas, movement. It was light double of a man walking at a distance. When the bewildered Saveliev returned to the fire, a double from him recoiled and sailed through the air thicket. There he turned into a white ball and crumbled into multi-colored sparks.

The next morning, nothing reminded Nikolai of yesterday’s adventures. in the evening. Only the bag where he stuffed cotton from the sky was very dirty and wet. However, as Saveliev said, he seems to be mistaken: this it was not dirt, but tar. Just where did tar come from in clean dry bag? ..

Finds of search engines in Demyansky Bor

Until the 60s of the last century, official science did not the study of this abnormal zone, considering all the rumors and evidence eyewitnesses with fiction and superstition.

During the war, fierce battles took place in these places; only with of the Soviet side in the “Demian boiler” killed more than ten thousand warriors …

A photo from open sources

In the 60s sappers arrived here who partially neutralized and eliminated mines and unexploded ordnance, as well as scientists. The latter concluded that the area is really characteristic “active deviations” that adversely affect human health and hallucinating and unmotivated acts.

Buried the remains of the dead Red Army public. People have done a lot, but could have done more, if not for the diabolical disposition of Demyansky Bor. This forest apparently does not tolerate intruders and blocks all their undertakings. The head of search engines Levchenkov, a man undoubtedly brave and resolute, in his letter confessed to impotence before secrets of this place.

A photo from open sources

He wrote that unburied, whitened by the sun and rains There are many human bones in the forest, and sometimes they glow in the dark. Condensed over collapsed dugouts and showered trenches fog, while taking the form of human bodies. It could be count as a natural curiosity, if not for night meetings with ghosts in marshy lowlands – where well-preserved bodies remained Red Army and Germans.

Levchenkov writes that he and three other eyewitnesses (collective farmers Nikolaev, Trotsenko and Milovanov) became witnesses of how with the appearance of such a ghost spontaneously caught fire fresh vegetation and then the fire went out spontaneously as well. Sometimes oppressive causeless fear overpowered people so much that forced to seek other places to sleep.

A photo from open sources

The conclusion Levchenkov makes is unequivocal: in places where there are unburied human remains, reigns dead energy, alien to life. Even the river water is dead there, she takes power from people. But beyond the forest, the water “comes to life” and already gives force. Of course, the bones of the fallen warriors must be put to the ground. The head of search engines advised scientists to forget about scientific pride and tackle the mysteries of the Demyansk Forest.

Demyansky Bor still scares people

Unfortunately, scientists still refuse to acknowledge this anti-scientific “devilry”. Well, the number of victims of Demyansky Bor continues to grow in the meantime. It’s no secret that here often “black trackers” are visited in order to find the German award badges, soldier and officer tokens, fully operational weapons, which can be profitably sold. Often these risk takers are blown up on them by the disturbed rusted ammunition. An abnormal zone brings its hassle even to the most experienced blacks diggers “…

A photo from open sources

Came, for example, a group of such “stalkers” search here awards and German weapons. At the beginning of one of them, someone in the swamp almost strangled, and then worse: someone got into the habit of coming to him at midnight from boron and so scared that these guys and from the machine “fired back”, and threw grenades! .. And after all the same fled.

Yuri Nikolaev, artist and designer, traveler and collectors – their “terrible stories” about being in Demyansk boron.

Yuri noticed that in the same place in the swamp he feels someone’s haunting look. Looks around – like there is nobody, but will turn away – again someone will stare at his back. Fearing ridicule, the man did not tell anyone about this. But once ran to camp Yuri’s nephew also said that he was following him in a swamp, and the brave husky was so scared that she clung to her legs and began to yelp plaintively …

Once Yuri with his nephew found a shell and a good rifle, which it was decided to take to Moscow as souvenirs. We, says Yuri, photographed each other with finds, after what I looked at the watch: it was 12:06. What happened next, not uncle, neither nephew remembered. They woke up in tall bushes of reeds at 16:10. Both heads were buzzing, as if from a hangover, and yet men drank only tea. The strangest thing was that their tracks was nowhere: the reeds stood around the wall, only a patch under his feet was trampled. “Trophies”, by the way, in an unknown way disappeared. Yuri and his nephew tried to remember how they got into these overgrown, but failed. At the same time, they felt as if they someone fooled.

A photo from open sources

And once, as soon as they entered the forest, another began devilry. You get, says Yuri, to a point, and then no You can’t take a step: the body is numb, filled with the weight of the legs, and such horror embraces the hair stand on end, sweat all over the body acts. And only when the travelers silently turned back and went down to the river, fear let them go. True, the knees are still trembling for a while …

Here he is, the Demyansky Bor – mysterious and scary, and nobody given to unravel his secrets, even at least slightly approach this the answer …

Water Time Mushrooms Doubles

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