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The existence of very tall men on Earth is reported ancient legends and traditions, as well as the Bible. Confirmation serve finds of archaeologists and anthropologists, cases of contacts of famous historical figures with living giants. And finally, in our world specific citizens of enormous growth lived and live.
Giants – heroes of ancient narrations
This is what the Bible tells us: “At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to enter daughters human, and they began to give birth to them. They are strong, since ancient times glorious people “(Old Testament. Genesis 6: 4);” … we saw giants there, the sons of the Enakovs, from a gigantic clan; and we were in the eyes of our before them, like locusts, we were the same in their eyes “(Old Testament. Numbers 13:34).
Bogatyr – giant Svyatogor
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And the legendary biblical Goliath, almost three-meter Philistine giant, hit the ranks of his enemies, throwing them cobblestones the size of a head of cabbage. However, despite the gigantic growth and tremendous physical strength, he was defeated in martial arts the shepherd David, a young man of “ordinary” sizes, who later became King of the State of Israel and Judah 1005-965 BC.
In Greek mythology, giants (titans) are mentioned – monstrous giants born of the Earth goddess Gaia from the drops of blood of the god of Heaven Uranus. They rebelled against the Olympic gods, they were defeated by them with with the help of Hercules and cast down into the depths of the earth, in Tartarus.
According to the Babylonian creation epic supreme deity of this civilization, Marduk, the patron god of the city of Babylon, was such high, which exceeded the growth of all other gods, as well as possessed tremendous power.
Among the heroes of Russian medieval epics is not the last place takes Svyatogor – an associate of Ilya Muromets and Mikula Selyaninovich, bogatyr with tremendous growth and supernatural by force.
Russian ethnographer and writer, about one of the pioneers of study peoples of the North, who created for them at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries writing, in his monograph “Chukchi” cites a legend retelling of this people that once a tribe of very tall people lived and among the snowy expanses of the tundra.
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In the villages and villages of Western Ukraine they still sing the old Hutsul song about the giants who in ancient times lived in mountain range of the Carpathians. I used this song in one of my masterpieces – the film “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors” – an outstanding director Sergey Parajanov. Here is the beginning of this song:
Before the giants lived, they walked a mile and a half. And how they raised their hands – they got the sky.
Live communication in the past
The Roman historian Sallust, who lived in the 1st century BC, owned a luxurious manor known throughout Rome as the Gardens of Sallust. A she was guarded by two giants – Skundilla and Pozio, of whom she also knew most residents of the city. And not only because of their three-meter growth, but also because of a fierce disposition, which forced all sorts of thieves and hooligans bypass Sallust’s possessions far side.
And another ancient historian Josephus, who lived in the 1st century, wrote, that among the hostages sent by the Persian king to Rome, was Eleazar is a Jewish giant almost 3.5 meters tall. However this the giant was not distinguished by either special physical strength or weight, but became famous for his gluttony. At regularly held contests “who will overeat”, he invariably defeated all competitors.
The 12th century Scottish historical chronicles state that King Eugene’s court brought a local giant growing over 3.5 meter. However, he looked pale and painful, so the king ordered that this feeble monster be taken out of the castle and not to his court accept.
Communicate with people of huge growth to travelers. So, the great Spanish navigator Fernand Magellan in 1520 during a winter in the bay of San Julian off the coast Patagonia (Argentina) met with a giant whom he barely got his head to the waist. Magellan’s people caught two of these Aboriginal people with the intention of delivering them as a gift to King Charles I. However, the natives shackled could not stand the hardships of a long crossing over the ocean and passed away. Their corpses were thrown overboard.
And the famous English corsair and sea traveler, Vice Admiral Francis Drake during his circumnavigation in 1578 recorded in a logbook that on the shores of Patagonia near they had a clash with the natives, whose growth was not less than 2.8 meter.
Very tall people of the last century
To date, there is evidence of a number of living in our time, specific individuals whose growth was much higher average. Officially registered as the highest person the last century was Robert Pershing Wadlow (1918-1940) of American city of Alton, Illinois. When is this person proportional physique died, his height was 272 centimeters, weight – 199 kilograms, and the length of the foot – 49 centimeters.
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A photo from open sources
Other very tall personalities are also known: the Americans John William Rogan (1868-1905) – 264 centimeters, John F. Carroll (1932-1969) – 263 centimeters, Don Kohler (1925-1981) – 249 centimeters, Bernard Coyen (1897-1921) – 248 centimeters, and also the Finn Vyalno Myllyurinne (1909-1963) – 251 centimeter.
As for women, the highest of them is still considered the young Chinese peasant woman Zeng Jinlian (1964-1982) from hunan province. She was 248 centimeters tall.
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A photo from open sources
Among the giants were the Baptist brothers and Antoine Hugo (Baptiste Hugo and Antoine Hugo). They were also called “Alpine Giants” and the Hugo twins.
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A photo from open sources A photo from open sources
They were very popular in the late 19th century, traveled with performances all over Europe, performed in America. Big Brother was in North Africa where posed for photographs surrounded by local residents.
At the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, he acted as “Gargantua from Paris” and “Giant from old Paris.” Junior height Antoine’s brother was 2 m 25 cm, and the older brother Baptist was constantly claimed to be the tallest man on earth.
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Russian giant athlete
In December 1906, St. Petersburg newspapers reported that “the other day arrived in St. Petersburg and will be demonstrated in one of the visual the halls of the Russian giant Fedor Makhnov, having a height of 2 meters 68 centimeters, of which growth hitherto not yet been met in any parts of the globe. ”
Fedor was born in 1878 in a peasant family, on a farm near Kostyuki village near Vitebsk. Career “World Famous Alive exhibit “he started at age 14 in a circus, with which he later went all over the world, causing everywhere amazement and admiration of the public.
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The first contract of Makhnov, which he concluded at age 16, was it is indicated that his height was 3 arshins 9 points, that is 253 centimeter. However, according to numerous accounts, after that he has grown up. Warsaw anthropologist Lusan recorded it record growth – 285 centimeters.
“To give at least some idea of the size of his body, let’s say that his boot, barely reaching the giant to the knee, reaches to the chest of a normal person, and a 12-year-old boy could have his head fit in it, “- reported in 1903 the journal” Nature and people”.
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The physical strength of Makhnov was also huge: during the performances he easily bent horseshoes, twisted spirals from iron rods, could lift platform with a playing orchestra …
The audience, of course, was also interested in the personal life of “Russian giant. “Newspapers found out and reported to readers that he “blooming health”, he is married and has five children who, however, completely normal growth.
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Living as a fun wonder to Fedor Makhnov finally tired, and he returned to his native places, where on earned money built a new farm. Unfortunately, family the idyll of “Russian Gulliver” did not last long: in August 1912 years old, he died when he was only 34 years old.
The official cause of death was pneumonia, however it was rumored that Fedor Makhnov was the victim of his competitors – circus giants and strongmen of a smaller caliber who his poisoned.
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The grave of Fedor Makhnov is still preserved. On it you can read the inscription: “The tallest man in the world. He was 3 arshina 9 ’”. True, his remains are not there. In 1939 Minsk Medical Institute invited the widow and son of a giant to give them the body for the good of science. They agreed, the remains were removed from the three-meter the coffin and taken to Minsk. During the war, the building of the institute was destroyed, and subsequently the skeleton of Makhnov could not be found.
Our tall contemporaries
According to the Guinness Book of Records, now the tallest man lives in Turkey. This is Sultan Kösen born in 1982, his height is 251 centimeter.
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However, there is a contemporary and higher. Leonid Stadnik, born in 1971, has a height of 253 centimeters with a weight of 200 kilograms. AND continues to grow! And from the Guinness Book of Records he “dropped out of one’s own will, “abandoning another official control weighing procedures. Now Stadnik lives in his native Podolyantsy village is the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine.
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A photo from open sources
One cannot but mention (and, unfortunately, remember) one more giant, our contemporary. This is Alexander Sizonenko, born in 1959 in the village of Zaporozhye, Kherson region of Ukraine and who died on January 5, 2012 in St. Petersburg. His height was 243 centimeters, he was the highest basketball player “of all times and peoples “of the USSR and Russia. Alexander was a pupil Leningrad sports boarding school, played for the team “Builder” in Kuibyshev and Spartak in Leningrad.
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And the tallest representative of the fair sex is today indian siddiga parvin. Her height is 2 meters 46 centimeters.
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Vadim Ilyin
Giants Time Russia Ukraine