Photos from open Sources Arnhem City Museum of Modern Art in the Netherlands decided to conduct a bold experiment among his visitors, supposedly well versed in modernity and artists representing this direction of painting. In one of the galleries a print was exhibited, bought for 10 euros at the IKEA furniture store. Lovers “high art” was invited to express their expert opinion about this mystical picture, the author of which, according to the guide, was IKE Andrews – a modern Swedish painter who has already managed become famous for his work.
The exhibit that appeared in the museum caused a real storm of emotions among so-called art lovers. “What an interesting picture,” – they exclaimed with one voice or “Yes, this is a real masterpiece!” some regular connoisseur of modernist art boldly declared: “The artist managed to convey the chaos of thoughts that reigned in his head.” Needless to say, all these experts in the field of art, probably proud of their sense of beauty, immediately appreciated a picture of who is several thousand, and who is even millions of euros.
And how did the employees of the museum have fun, listening to pompous phrases visitors surrounding the exhibit. And then there’s a guide with a calm kind of tells them about the nonexistent author of the picture, lists his work, and some “connoisseurs” even nod in a sign that, Of course, we heard about such an artist, because how not to hear if his works are so famous. And the guide, and not blinking an eye, suddenly issues: “This picture is noteworthy because it was bought at IKEA.”
“This action,” its organizers explain, “is not a rally Museum visitors, and their verification. We just showed what it costs modern experts in art, completely not understanding it and only observing the desired position. And this experiment, we will hope will make many think that the cheap for 10 euros may be more expensive than a canvas whose value is difficult even determine “.
By the way, you don’t need to go far for examples: remember Malevich’s famous “Black Square” – a masterpiece that can to draw everyone, and even not having any artistic talents. I wonder how much this “masterpiece” is now is it worth it?
For genuine connoisseurs of paintings it will be interesting to know that relatively recently unknown frescoes by Leonardo have been found yes Vinci. This is a completely different matter.