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Modern archeology regularly discovers new evidence that once existed on Earth highly developed civilization, which destroyed the global natural cataclysm – Flood. Reconstruct the events of the distant of the past tried a famous traveler, author of several books and monographs by Andrey Zhukov.
– Andrey, what evidence of the Flood exists?
– In my opinion, irrefutable evidence is mythology, that is, human memory that has preserved memories of global disaster in antiquity. Other confirmations should be data from geology and paleontology. But in these areas of science the situation is complex and contradictory, which is explained by the obvious market conditions. For example, at the beginning of the 19th century, the theory dominated “catastrophism,” and many pundits piously believed in the Great the flood…
“What changed their mind?”
– Starting from the 30s of the same century, I began to win in science the concept of “uniformism,” which claimed that the ancient geological processes are identical to modern ones. From here followed the incredible the duration of the history of the earth chronology). Now the views on the evolution of the planet are not so unambiguous, although science still does not consider the flood as real event.
– Which peoples of the Earth have stories about global flood?
– There are no memories of many archaic ethnic groups, even on level of personal names. What can we say about specific legends. But, for example, more than two dozen have survived in Chinese chronicles versions of the flood myth recorded in the period from the 5th century BC e. by III in. n e. Although these traditions themselves, of course, are much older. But the main thing is that these stories are recorded on all continents, as well as among the tribes and peoples of the ocean archipelagos and islands. That is, the conclusion unequivocal: the myth of a global catastrophe is widespread.
“Did the flood happen the same everywhere?”
– In different parts of the planet, it manifested itself quite diverse, accompanied not only by flooding itself, but also by others catastrophic events that resulted in the destruction of almost all of humanity and surface change the planet. I read a fragment from the XVII century book “History of China” Jesuit missionary Martinius: “The pillars of heaven collapsed. Earth was shocked to the ground. The sky began to fall to the north the sun, moon and stars have changed the way they move. Whole system the universe was in a mess, the sun was in an eclipse. ”
The myth of the Papago Indians says that before the flood, the Sun was closer to Earth than now, its rays were made all the seasons same and redundant clothes. People and animals talked to each other. friend, and a common language connected them with the bonds of brotherhood. Or modern interpretation of the myth of the Muiski people in Colombia: “In ancient times, when there was no moon, people lived like savages. Came old a bearded man named Bochika and taught the Mouisches agriculture crafts, religion and statehood. But his wife is out of mischief destroyed what the husband created and magically caused a spill the Funza River, which flooded the entire central plateau. Only a few people survived on the tops of the mountains. Bochika turned his wife into the moon and poured water through the Tekvendama waterfall into Lake Guatavita. “Moreover, the connection Flood with the Moon can be traced among other nations. So the indians Kuchin and Atabascan tribes living in Alaska and the northwestern United States, talk about the great flood and the appearance of the god-like the man who came to them from the moon and returned back after how he introduced their ancestors to the elements of culture.
– The catastrophe was a one-time event or periodically repeated?
– Indeed, some ancient peoples are found mention of several floods. Greek myths preserved memory of three floods. The most famous of them is Deucalion. More the flood of Ogygia was early, as a result of which the water covered the whole world. And the last – the Dardanov flood led to the appearance of Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. Plato in his famous dialogue “Timaeus” mentions that the Egyptian priests told the Greek Solon: “So you keep the memory of only one flood, and there were many of them before of this. ”
– From the Bible we know about Noah’s ark. And how others were saved nations?
– On traditional boats: box, boat, raft, hollow tree trunk or deck. Other shelters are mountain peaks or crowns of very tall trees. Often these methods are combined. Another point is interesting: only boats and arks were used. favorites. And it was they who, after the disaster, helped others survive saved, creating a new way of life. Distress duration also evaluated differently: from 5 days in the traditions of the Quechua Indians to 22 years in Chinese chronicles.
– A natural or man-made phenomenon has caused flood?
– The vast majority of myths call the cause for the flood activity of the gods. Most often this is punishment or revenge of the supreme creatures. Alternatively, the root cause may be indicated the struggle of the antagonistic gods. Flood evidence virtually none, which, in general, is logical. One rare exception of the variants of the Turkish myth (in fact, the late medieval version), according to which the Dardanov Flood was caused artificially in the result of the “construction” of the Bosphorus. That is the reason and the investigation has swapped places.
– Is there a likelihood of a new flood?
– I believe that the probability of a global catastrophe on Earth significantly increasing with every decade. And the reason for this lies precisely in the technogenic activity of man. Moreover, the coming cataclysm, if it happens, is unlikely to take place in in the form of a single natural disaster. After all, from the analysis thousand-year-old traditions we can conclude that the flood was a consequence of other more powerful geological processes.
– What needs to be done so that we are not covered again multi-meter waves?
– Naturally, it is necessary to strictly limit technogenic impact on nature. Look at the globe: how much is there human civilization? Like microbes on Mother Earth’s body. However, there may be another reason for planetary disasters. So, European esotericists wrote a hundred years ago that corruption people, namely the fall of the spiritual level, the development of consumer worldviews, escalation of all types of violence, etc. will lead to another global disaster that could destroy modern civilization. Here is the last terrible quote from Genesis: “And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times … And he said Lord: I will destroy from the face of the earth the people whom I created from I will destroy man to cattle, and reptiles and birds of the air, for I repented that he created them. ”
Interviewed by Dmitry Sokolov
Water Moon Sun